RaniMerryman Member


  • yeah, I started the low carb thing.... did it for about 2 weeks and yes, your body freaks out like a 2 year old whose lolly you just stole. It will pass and I would suggest after 2 weeks, start adding in high fiber carbs or healthy carbs. Quinoa has become a fav of mine. Carbs actually boost Seratonin, I believe. After 2…
  • bump! I always have bananas left over from the kids! SWEET!
  • Tracking what you are doing is a great way to see what works for you. I know if I can get my tail out of bed and do my workout at 6 AM, I feel better all day. I have enough calories to eat GREAT and always have enough left over for my Breyer's Carb Smart Ice Cream bar after the kids go to bed. I have noticed the most…
  • Gather all the ones together that don't fit.... pick out your very favorite 5 pieces. Consign the rest and take the money you make to alter the top 5! You get to keep some of your fav's and won't have a closet of clothes to grow back into! I am giving them to my mom.... all of a sudden, she is my biggest cheerleader! lol
  • I use http://www.askdrgarland.com/shop/Shark-Liver-Oil.html I have met the owner and creator of the line. He doesn't advertise which keeps his costs lower and relies on word of mouth. His passion comes from a bout with cancer that he beat with the help of a Buddhist nun who pumped him full of all manner of natural healing…
  • I agree... eat more food. If I don't eat back my exercise calories, I find I don't lose weight. The 2 things that I have found that affect my weight loss the most... oddly enough are not eating ENOUGH (I am amused every time I type that) and poor sleep. I have a fitbit pedometer which monitors my sleep. I lose more weight…
  • I found thi helpful. It is from the Mayo Clinic gl...it will work itself out... but just so you know, I started eating more, mostly protein and started losing again. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss-plateau/MY01152
  • If you have a friend close by, see if you can get them to work out with you. I started working out on Skype with my sister at 6 AM! It STINKS... but I get up for her easier than I would if no one else were counting on me to be there. They say anything you do becomes a habbit afer 3 days... so if you can make it 3 days, you…
  • I am a fan of the Dark Magic.... and that is EXACTLY what it is. Bed Bath and Beyond has a great selection and often put them on sale. Yu can also use their 20% off coupon on them. They take expired coupons too at mine!
  • Would love the add.... started about the same time, also a fitbit user (LOVE it!) and my sis (also a SAHM) and I are doing it together! Have to get back in shape cause my kids are OFF THE HOOK! lol feel free to add me!
  • If it makes you feel any better I started losing weight and had an old rotary style scale. I just got a new digital and it was nINE pounds over my old one. So now I am 9 MORE pounds further away from my initial goal of getting under 200 AND it shows no weight loss on my ticker until I get back to my old scales weight....…
  • There is a really good article at the Mayo Clinic site regarding this subject here. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss-plateau/MY01152 From everything I have read and my own experience, I have to eat the extra calories I burn doing exercise in order to lose weight. I am much more successful tht way. I have had…
  • Great job! I am a mom with a 6 nd 4 year old and finally hae time to get the weight sorted.... My first goal is 50 pounds, though probably I need to lose another 15 or 20 more after that. I had a setback buying a new scale.... :/ apparently mine was reading 9 pounds light lol so I have 9 more to lose than I thought....…
  • I am also on the 1200 calorie diet. I get up at 6 AM to do 40 min of cardio before the kids get up.... I find that if I drink a good bit of water before I start I can make it through and the early exercise seems to jump start my metabolism. I get an extra 600 calories from exercise, though typically only use about 2-300 of…
  • Funny, I even have some interesting scientific experience with this. I have young children. I do very little processed and try to cook real food for dinner absolutely and lunch is a bit more sketchy... but still LOTS of WHOLE fruits and veg in their diet.... not canned or frozen, but fresh. They have friends who I KNOW…
  • OK WOW! I haven't weighed 110 since I was about 11! CONGRATS!
  • 5'2" reporting for duty... I am about 70 pounds over weight.... 40 to get to comfortable lol anyone can friend me.... I could be here a while! lol