BerniceB Member


  • You may want to also measure your arms, legs, hips, breast etc. Many times when the scale is not going down you are making progress. Maybe you want to weigh twice a week if that is more manageble. I do weigh every morning. But it is true that it takes about a week for a real pound or maybe two to come off. One thing about…
  • You can put it in a food processor with a bit of flavoring. For instance dry onion soup mix. Then use celery to dip into the mixture. I like this. I also like peaches with HEAVY syrup. I measure 100 calories worth of peaches and syrup and then use 90 calories of cottege chs. It feels like a treat because of the heavy…
  • Put some music on and dance, dance. Another thought is to drink some hot water in a cup. And one more thought is to cut up some vegies and put them in a fry pan with soy sauce. I like celery and I water the soy down a bit. I get to crunch and crunch for a small amount of calories. I know how to talk about this stuff but I…