

  • Hello all, I am excited to find this free calorie tracker! One of my sisters just lost ten pounds using myfitnesspal and told me about it. Does anyone know a good website (besides the fantastic Weightwatchers one that unfortunately I would have to pay for) for building recipes so you know the calories in a portion size of…
  • Hi - I've just started and I've found that even though I am tracking, I usually go over my calorie limit. In the past, I've become discouraged and stopped tracking at this point, because I don't want to face the fact that I'm not controlling my food intake well enough. My sister just lost 60 pounds, and she did it by…
  • Make sure you add protein to your morning meal. I eat a protein shake for breakfast (not one with a bunch of sugar) and then a protein shake around 10. Because they are both 160 calories each, it is not that many calories, but it keeps me from feeling like snacking.
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