melruthtamar Member


  • Sometimes for me those high fiber foods just bloat me, and my stomach just aches so I can't eat a lot of that. If I'm in need of "assistance" lol, carrot juice, which you can purchase at any Walmart, Krogers, Albertson's, in the lettuce section usually around there. It's made already and has nothing added except the carrot…
  • WOW!! I'm so glad I have posted no photos. My koala was uploaded today and that's as much as I will do.
  • WOOHOO ME TOO!!! It's fabulous!
  • As someone who has been through various bad reactions to food, vitamins, etc... I must say YES!! Your diet can greatly influence anxiety and stress. One thing I went through was dehydration, caused by my lowered potassium, due to my diet and another vitamin/med I was on. I became depressed and anxious. Once I began getting…
  • TMI and odd LOL but I love looking up strange things: Sugar calories begin absorption in the mouth. Numerous studies have shown that only some calories are lost through purging (this information is on a bulimic help site I stating…
  • So anyone cheating on our diet for thanksgiving? I'm petitioning my aunt to get up early and make me huge cinnamon rolls!!!
  • I think you'll be fine sarahgaye, it's holiday time... If it makes you feel better I had a choice and I shared a piece of pumpkin pie with my dad from Olive garden...380 calories just for half lol. Good thing I worked out.