

  • Fats and oils an average American eats in a year! AMAZING!!!
  • I was in the same position as you a little under 10 months ago but with steady dedication and a healthy lifestyle change, you can make a difference in yourself and see the change with time! I wish you luck! <3
  • I've had the Kinect for quite some time and at first, I really liked using it. I tried a variety of games that would respond to it, such as exercise games and primarily dance games however, if you're anything like me, I'm extremely picky about the music I dance to. I like them fast and with a lot of movement. If the song…
  • Does circuit weightlifting require me to have a gym membership? I have heard of it from my friend who is a part of a gym some miles away but it isn't something I would like to do since I'm strapped for cash. The exercise I've been doing have been on my own.