

  • I stopped soft drinks about 2 years ago and my cravings for sugared foods has dropped to a level of less than a fourth of what it was. I stopped using sweeteners of any kind and cravings went down further. Upped my water intake, and my hunger levels let me know when I was hungry and when I was just thirsty. Also, as a side…
  • I began about a month ago, with a little over 100 lbs. to lose as my goal. I should weigh between 140-150, but started out at 254.5. I'm now down to 240, and it's a great start! Add me and we can support one another. I am very pleased to see so many people with similar goals. Feel free to add me as a support person. I'd…
  • I understand perfectly well! I lost 6 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks, then suddenly 4 lbs. popped up. I was livid. Then I gave up Splenda and they pounds went away. It seems I have a reaction to it that isnt good. Bye Bye splenda and hello smaller pants! Since giving up Splenda and the other sweeteners I have dropped that steady 2…
  • It sounds like a great program, but I am too uncoordinated for it. Knees hurt, feet problems. Any ideas what I could do? I'm 56 with terrrible knees.
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