Weird week .. Some help please!



  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I totally fluctuate with my weight loss. For instance two weeks ago I lost 1 pound, the next week I lost 3, this week I didn't lose anything. Next week who knows! This is just how my body works, now that I know this I'm ok with it but before I started MFP it would drive me nuts! I would work hard, eat good and not lose anything and give up and then all of a sudden the following week I'd lose 2 pounds! Good luck with your goals: and don't get too discouraged!
  • daverj1973
    daverj1973 Posts: 4 Member
    I looked at your last week plus a bit. I see a common problem with your eating habits that are whats causing your problem.

    You are way out of balance in the foods your eating. Way too much carbs, sugars, and processed foods and no where near enough vegetables, fruits, and protiens.

    Your blowing the bulk of your calorie allowance on high sugar/carb foods (small portions at that) where you could be eating sooo much more food by exchanging those for protien, fruits and veggies.

    The stuff your eating is going to cause you two problems.

    1. Your weight will be very prone to bounces like you are seeing due to water weight. Thats a side effect of all the processed food your eating and the lack of really valuable foods to help balance it out.

    2. Your overall health is going to suffer long term because you will not be getting the variety of nutrients and proteins that your body needs. An additional negative side effect to that is that your workouts and general exercise will be MUCH less effctive and likely even more difficult as you'll feel crappy doing it.

    Its possible to lose weight the way your going because it truely is just calories in versus calories out BUT doing it that way has many health risks and factors you cannot account for in trying to track and adjust your bodies reactions to that eatings style.

    You have been cutting out the GOOD things your body needs to save the calories to use on absolute garbage food devoid of most nutritional value. You can only game the system for a short while doing that before the jig is up.

    Its all about life changes. Make sure your eating all the GOOD things you need first and foremost, then use what you have left over for calories to "treat" yourself.

    If you don't make those changes, you will never succeed. You will end up one of those thousands of people that loose a bunch of weight and are back to being bigger than ever within the following 3 years.

    Don't be that person. I was, struggled for years. Continue to struggle. I am 6'1 and started seeing my problem at 276 a few years ago. Lost 86 pounds in less than 9 months. ( quite smoking at the same time). After about a year I started lapsing, and got back up to 217 back in January 2012. THats when I found this site and started using the tracking function. I have now lost 15 pounds since the end of January.
  • cllovesdw4eva
    Im having the same problem, plus dealing with a scale that lies and sometimes makes me think Ive lost/gained more than I really have.

    Only suggestion I have is what I plan to (instead of walk) longer, drink even MORE water (it definitely pushes bad things out my system), drink more green tea (it me), and do way more strength training than I have been.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I totally fluctuate with my weight loss. For instance two weeks ago I lost 1 pound, the next week I lost 3, this week I didn't lose anything. Next week who knows! This is just how my body works, now that I know this I'm ok with it but before I started MFP it would drive me nuts! I would work hard, eat good and not lose anything and give up and then all of a sudden the following week I'd lose 2 pounds! Good luck with your goals: and don't get too discouraged!

    That must have been frustrating!

    And thanks hun, same to you x
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I looked at your last week plus a bit. I see a common problem with your eating habits that are whats causing your problem.

    You are way out of balance in the foods your eating. Way too much carbs, sugars, and processed foods and no where near enough vegetables, fruits, and protiens.

    Your blowing the bulk of your calorie allowance on high sugar/carb foods (small portions at that) where you could be eating sooo much more food by exchanging those for protien, fruits and veggies.

    The stuff your eating is going to cause you two problems.

    1. Your weight will be very prone to bounces like you are seeing due to water weight. Thats a side effect of all the processed food your eating and the lack of really valuable foods to help balance it out.

    2. Your overall health is going to suffer long term because you will not be getting the variety of nutrients and proteins that your body needs. An additional negative side effect to that is that your workouts and general exercise will be MUCH less effctive and likely even more difficult as you'll feel crappy doing it.

    Its possible to lose weight the way your going because it truely is just calories in versus calories out BUT doing it that way has many health risks and factors you cannot account for in trying to track and adjust your bodies reactions to that eatings style.

    You have been cutting out the GOOD things your body needs to save the calories to use on absolute garbage food devoid of most nutritional value. You can only game the system for a short while doing that before the jig is up.

    Its all about life changes. Make sure your eating all the GOOD things you need first and foremost, then use what you have left over for calories to "treat" yourself.

    If you don't make those changes, you will never succeed. You will end up one of those thousands of people that loose a bunch of weight and are back to being bigger than ever within the following 3 years.

    Don't be that person. I was, struggled for years. Continue to struggle. I am 6'1 and started seeing my problem at 276 a few years ago. Lost 86 pounds in less than 9 months. ( quite smoking at the same time). After about a year I started lapsing, and got back up to 217 back in January 2012. THats when I found this site and started using the tracking function. I have now lost 15 pounds since the end of January.

    Thank you so much for the detailed response. I will def take your advice into account.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Im having the same problem, plus dealing with a scale that lies and sometimes makes me think Ive lost/gained more than I really have.

    Only suggestion I have is what I plan to (instead of walk) longer, drink even MORE water (it definitely pushes bad things out my system), drink more green tea (it me), and do way more strength training than I have been.

    Good luck, hun!

    And, yes, I need to drink more water! I'm usually thirsty, but just don't drink that much.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Okie dokes, so yesterday was weigh in day! I was so excited, yet apprehensive. I went to the gym after waking up, before eating, after peeing etc, wearing my lightest dress. Hopped on the scales and what do I see? '190lbs' meaniiiiiiing, I put on 2lbs. I was pissed.

    So this morning, I done the same. Got up, didn't eat, peed, wore my lightest dress and off to the gym to weigh myself. '188lbs'. Okay, that 2lbs (water weight or fat, I dunno *shrug*) was gone. BUT 188LBS WAS MY WEIGHT LAST WEEK!!

    So that means a week without progress ¬_¬

    I haven't been eating great for the past week or so. Quite a bit of junk I guess, but I'd still lost last week, plus I was 790 cals under my weekly goal this week just gone.

    Any ideas? It COULD be muscle, I guess, but I haven't worked out for three days. And it's not like I really pushed myself last time I did.

    Care to look at my diary or lend some friendly advice? If my diary's closed, let me know. I think it's open, but I'm not sure.

    Thanks in advance!
    protein is low and calories inconsistent. Also you should weigh yourself once a week.
    also keep a waist measurement record
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Funnily enough, look at this week's progress shots and last week's.


    So maybe it's not all doom and gloom after all :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Okie dokes, so yesterday was weigh in day! I was so excited, yet apprehensive. I went to the gym after waking up, before eating, after peeing etc, wearing my lightest dress. Hopped on the scales and what do I see? '190lbs' meaniiiiiiing, I put on 2lbs. I was pissed.

    So this morning, I done the same. Got up, didn't eat, peed, wore my lightest dress and off to the gym to weigh myself. '188lbs'. Okay, that 2lbs (water weight or fat, I dunno *shrug*) was gone. BUT 188LBS WAS MY WEIGHT LAST WEEK!!

    So that means a week without progress ¬_¬

    I haven't been eating great for the past week or so. Quite a bit of junk I guess, but I'd still lost last week, plus I was 790 cals under my weekly goal this week just gone.

    Any ideas? It COULD be muscle, I guess, but I haven't worked out for three days. And it's not like I really pushed myself last time I did.

    Care to look at my diary or lend some friendly advice? If my diary's closed, let me know. I think it's open, but I'm not sure.

    Thanks in advance!
    protein is low and calories inconsistent. Also you should weigh yourself once a week.
    also keep a waist measurement record

    I weigh myself once a week :) Every Friday.

    I also measure my waist.

    Calories inconsistant? Protein - shall try to up! What do you think I should aim for?
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    im no expert but if your goal cals is 1700 try to go for around 7-80 minimum?
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    im no expert but if your goal cals is 1700 try to go for around 7-80 minimum?

  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    75g minimum but also not sure if you might be overtraining and not eating enough
  • debbielane56
    I understand perfectly well! I lost 6 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks, then suddenly 4 lbs. popped up. I was livid. Then I gave up Splenda and they pounds went away. It seems I have a reaction to it that isnt good. Bye Bye splenda and hello smaller pants! Since giving up Splenda and the other sweeteners I have dropped that steady 2 lbs. a week again. Down by 14 1/2 lbs. in about a month. I watch my sodium intake, do not drink soda, and leave the bread in the package. Try going with any sweeteners at all for a week, if it is a sensitivity to them, then it will begin to show up on day 5 or 6. Suddenly, there goes some pounds. BTW, I rarely exercise, but I am a CNA on the weekends so my job is quite strenuous. I didn't get to 2## lbs. overnite and won't loose it overnite. This is my tortis and the hare approach.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    75g minimum but also not sure if you might be overtraining and not eating enough

    I don't weight train as of yet, I was doing the 30DS but stopped on day 8, level one.

    Eating 1710 cals p/d.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I understand perfectly well! I lost 6 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks, then suddenly 4 lbs. popped up. I was livid. Then I gave up Splenda and they pounds went away. It seems I have a reaction to it that isnt good. Bye Bye splenda and hello smaller pants! Since giving up Splenda and the other sweeteners I have dropped that steady 2 lbs. a week again. Down by 14 1/2 lbs. in about a month. I watch my sodium intake, do not drink soda, and leave the bread in the package. Try going with any sweeteners at all for a week, if it is a sensitivity to them, then it will begin to show up on day 5 or 6. Suddenly, there goes some pounds. BTW, I rarely exercise, but I am a CNA on the weekends so my job is quite strenuous. I didn't get to 2## lbs. overnite and won't loose it overnite. This is my tortis and the hare approach.

    Hmm, that's something to think about. I am wondering, myself, if it's all the sugar I've been consuming recently ..
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate up to 10 pounds in water weight. Also, if you are weight training this is normal too. Don't rely on your scale, it won't tell you what you want to know. Use a tape measure & take your measurements. Get your body fat checked monthly. Those number are fare more accurate that a scale that can't tell the difference between water, fat, muscle etc etc

    I started lifting weights & have lost 4% of my body fat. At the time I weighed the same as when I started lifting 3 months prior but I am a lot smaller and my clothes are looser. My measurements didn't lie :flowerforyou: But my scale sure as hell did :tongue:

    PS I would watch that sugar/carb intake. That will also pack fat on you. I speak from experience as a dieter, student (I study nutrition, anatomy etc) & I am a patient of a registered dietitian. Carbs store as fat if you have too many and your body can't burn it all off. They also attract water (similar to salt). Try reducing your daily carb intake to no more than 100/day and keep those sugars down. I bet you will see faster results. Also make sure to get good lean protein (meat, shakes, doesn't matter) and lots of veggies :flowerforyou:
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Working in a place with temptations in front of you all the time is always the hardest but you should really try to incorporate calories from healthier places (fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains) - even if you're under your calories on pastries and coffee, you're always over on sugar and under on protein so you're not providing your muscles the nutrition they need to burn the sugar.

    Also, I'd be curious to see what your saturated and transfat intake looks like - the total fat number can be deceiving, and if the pastries and drinks have transfat, it's going to make it that much harder for you to lose, especially if you're not keeping up with exercise. I find that the healthier I eat, the easier it is for me to get motivated to exercise - and the more I splurge on pastries, the harder it is for me to get up and work it off. Bring some healthy snacks to work with you - like baby carrots or an apple or something, anything to keep you from eating the pastries and to get some real nutrition into your body!
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    Oh no!!! Im in the coffee industry and know exactly what you mean!!!!!hehe..but plse stay strong, its worth it :O)
    i feel on the same line as u at the mo, needing to get focused and back on track again, so we can do it !!!!!!! youve helped me without even knowing it,
    lets up those veges and water and be rid of an extra coffee a day hehe, best of luck
    starbucks would do it... also lack of fruit & vege ......
    weight loss should be a life style change not a sticking within cal intake kinda thing....... if you stay within ur cal intake but have no appropriate intake of fruit, veges, protein , water etc then you can expect to see no changes... also, one week surely is normal to go to and from a particular read on the scales, however bodies take time to change and naturally will show up and down 'figures' on the scale despite the fact always changing - if that makes sense.
    90% of healthy lifestlye (weightloss) is what you put into your body :)

    Ahh, I work there so it's so hard to resist temptation. I have been sticking to short steamed soya milks with caramel syrup. Which is miles away from the venti fraps with every syrup imaginable, whipped cream AND pouring cream blended in PLUS a mountain of whipped cream on top with caramel AND chocolate syrup (yeah, I know). So my drinks have gone from probably well over 1000 cals to just over 100.

    But, yes, more fruits and veggies! Need to get back on track.