

  • Hi! I would love to be in Atlanta and hire you as my trainer :) I'm 31, current weight 224. I've been on MFP for about a month now. Been keeping a strict diet & log-in, don't exceed over 1200 calorie count a day, healthy meals, snacks, low salt intake, all water, no soda, I don't drink coffee, cardio at least 5 times a…
  • Hi! I'm 5'3" - also curvy with butt, thighs, hip & all lol. I currently weight 224 and I carry my weight well. I'm also not trying to be super skinny. My goal is about 150. When I was in high school, I was in my opinion too skinny yet toned and I weight 135. I don't want to get that skinny. So I think it depends on the…
  • I've been doing it on & off for about 2 months now. I've heard of great success stories from other ppl tho so I'm kicking myself in the butt. I just don't have it on me to do P90X or any type of workout when I get home after a long day at work. My eating is going pretty good...just gotta find the time to workout. Keep us…
  • WOW!! Such an inspiration. Thank U for sharing! Great job :)