

  • 10 lbs by the end of summer? You can lose that in 5 weeks! I remember when I only had 10 pounds to lose! Don't let it sneak up on's hard to get it off! Come here and get the encouragement you need! We're all trying to lose the weight...and this is the perfect place to do it.
  • LOL! I love the emotions at the end....I have no clue ...what does that mean ...anyone?
    in Bump? Comment by ladyred133 June 2012
  • Hi Mg...I have about 100 pounds to lose as well (yikes)...its' going to take a lot since I'm much older that you look (I'm 58). I'm been at this site since 2010 but have never really done anything with it...(Just think had I been motivated back then I wouldn't be here today...dang!) So now I'm totally motivated...I'm at…
  • If she were married to this man and he said he liked her heavier then so be it. But she's not...they have no commitment to each other so at this point their lives are their own. She needs to ensure if something happens to the relationship she's in shape for the next one...
  • Dump him! Your health is so much more important than his selfish intentions. He likes you heavier because men won't look at you if your fat. He sounds insecure and seems not quite the man you'll want once you look beautiful in your new slim suit!! KEEP GOING!! What if he dumps you and you're left fat, unhappy, and…
  • I have the same problem but sometimes my heart palpitates at other times... I FOUND! taking magnesium stops the heart palpitations! It's like a miracle...Sometimes thought I should rush myself to the hospital because they got so bad...but as soon as I took the magnesium it stopped...So everyone on here don't yell at me for…
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