kellyhumphrey Member


  • I've struggled with this when at work potlucks. I usually do a combination of what koslowkj recommended. Generally speaking, I can find something in the food diary that is very similar to what I'm eating. I try to stick with foods that are more easily logged, like the veggie trays and whatnot, and then eat some of the…
  • Even when I was 102 lbs and a size 2 I never had a gap.. I've always been shapely in the butt/thighs even when I was skinnier. My cousin was the same height/weight as me and had one... but she was also muscular and looked bow-legged with no shape to her body (boy-ish). Everyone is build different I guess... I don't think…
  • Use it in place of taco shells, or to make teriyaki chicken wraps! Nummers
  • I'm curious about this also.. I know that some diabetics have to be careful with fruit intake. My feeling though... is that calories are calories. If you eat so much fruit that you are over your calorie intake you will still gain weight.... right?? I've always been a huge fruit eater, but I would to eat a ton at a time.…
  • Venison is very much like EXTREMELY EXTREMELY lean beef. Have you ever made hamburger helper, and had to drain the buger off before adding the other ingredients? With venison (straight venison, no additions to it) there is nothing to drain off. I cook 1lb and throw the rest of the mix right in with it with no draining. We…
  • Ahhh Marvel! I used to have a crush on The Beast... He made blue cool before Avatar.
  • Dresden Files vampires are the best to me... they clearly define different types of vampires who feed on different 'things'... blood, life force... and have different 'courts' that don't necessarily get along. Very cool. Forever Knight was great! Almost forgot about that show. I'm totally not into Twilight at all, I don't…
  • Yep.. totally bored. 1. oatmeal - plain oatmeal with a little brown sugar 2. toast - just butter, parkay spray (0 calories yo!) 3. ice cream sundae - thawed raspberries on top.. not a big chocolate lover. 4. frozen yogurt - plain vanilla, or chocolate/vanilla swirl on a cone. 5. popcorn (flavor) - Cheese! 6. chocolate…
  • @JohnFox - I had a Tandy 1000 too (Arkanoid!)! But not as much as you otherwise... I had Nintendo (with lots of games.. Knight Rider and Megaman anyone?) and then moved to Sega Genesis.. but after that I did mostly computer gaming with stuff like Starcraft etc.. now I have a PS3. My biggest geek confession is that I would…
  • Pet Sematary was pretty equal book to movie wise... but a majority of the time the book is way better with just about anything. The made for TV movie The 5 People You Meet in Heaven was very close to the book with very little left out... I can't even think of what was left out actually... but it was a small book and a 4-5…
  • Another vote for Harry Dresden! The Dresden Files books are absolutely fantastic. Harry Potter for adults with lots of snark :) Swan Song is good by Robert McCammon, it's almost like The Stand but is (IMO) better written and much more fantasy-horror oriented with some religious overtones.
  • I'm Kelly, 29, mother of two (2 yr old boy and 5 yr old girl) :) When my babies were babies my super power was making milk... however I have altered my abilities and now make geeky crafts including crochet zombies and Cthulhu's, horror themed pottery, and of course killing dragons on Skyrim. Every once in a while I morph…
  • OMG, I'm SO there. That list gets me giddy.. lol
  • ^ Italy... would LOVE to go there. Greece too! < I'm a crafting addict... I knit, crochet and do pottery, jewelry and whatever else enters my mind... :-p v What's your favorite movie?
  • Hi I'm new! 5'2" here, 165 with a goal of 145. Once I hit that I may go slightly lower depending, we'll see! Seems to be a lot of us on here... our "fun-size-ness" doesn't do well with extra pounds apparently... nowhere for it to go!