MamaDubbs65 Member


  • Hi - I'm in for a walking challenge! I just started walking again after having both hips replaced 3 months ago. Of course I've walked since my surgery, but now I'm doing it with a purpose so I've come back to MyFitness Pal for support, and this looks like the perfect thread for me! So far this month: 3 miles / 20 mile goal…
  • Hi - did you complete your 8WW program? I start Monday 2/23.
  • My daughter is living on campus. First off its important to understand your meal plan. My DD goes to UW Whitewater and can eat at any hall, has "dining dollars" that can be used at any hall or campus cafe, and also "purple points" she can use at restaurants and the local Sentry grocery store. She is a freshman and was…
  • Awesome!!! I did week 8 day 1 in honor of Meg but did it on a treadmill. I haven't run outside yet (too cold and snowy in WI - and I'm chicken!).
  • Just adding a word of encouragement - I'm 48 and haven't been fit since high school. I started Ease into 5k (BlueFin app) in November. It's taken me some time due to life getting I the way, but I'm nearly finished and can run 30 minutes at a time now. When I started, I could barely get through a 60 second run. I feel great…
  • Week 7 day 2 complete - actually ran 29 minutes straight and could have gone longer!! Was feeling great today!!
  • Not all C25k programs are the same. I'm starting week 7 of Ease into 5k. Week 6 day 3 for me was my first 20 minute consecutive run. I believe that's about where week 5 is on other apps. Tomorrow I do a 20 minute run, 3 minute walk and 5 minute run. When I did my 20 minute run, I finally felt like a runner!! Best of luck…
  • WOW!!! I do my first 20 minute run on Saturday (week 6 day 3 of Ease into 5k). You have truly inspired me!!! WAY TO GO!!!!
  • GREAT thread!! I just did my first 2 - 10 minute runs today and almost talked myself out of it. But then I kept repeating, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.........Then I thought, if I think today is hard, just wait till Saturday when I do my first 20 minute run!! LOL! It also helps me to remember how hard it…
  • How's it going Bluizflame? I just completed week 6 day 2 of Ease into 5k today which included 2 -10 minutes runs with a 3 minute walk in between. Saturday will be my first 20 minute run - yikes!! Hope all is going good for you!
  • I sent you a friend request. I'm loving the C25k program. Funny how a new pair of shoes can inspire a new life style!! How did your first day go?
  • CONGRATS!!! You should be so proud of yourself :D
  • I started my C25k program in early November. I'm only on week 6 day 3 due to personal reasons, and I haven't lost any weight. I also hadn't changed my eating habits, until today that is. My legs are looking slimmer and more firm which my hubby noticed. And as a PP mentioned, my stamina is greatly improved. I can walk up 2…
  • Thank you for posting this. I'm a slow runner too. I think you're doing great!!
  • Congrats to those who just completed day 1 :D I've been at this since November 6th and should be done but life has gotten in the way. I won't give up though!! Completed week 5 day 2 yesterday. I am so much stronger today and can walk up a couple flights of stairs with no problem. I'm so thankful I found this program :)
  • It's amazing how the program prepares you for the next workout. I'm learning to trust it because I couldn't run 1 minute straight when I started and today I did 6, 4, and 6 minute runs!! Keep up the good work :D
  • I lost my dad last month. He was obese, morbidly obese and had many medical issues as a result. I do this because he was concerned about my health. I want to honor my dad by honoring his last wish for me. That's what motivates me. Be healthy my friend and keep at it.
  • I just saw Me_n_link is starting the program on Monday the 16th. Maybe you two can start together and motivate each other :)
  • 30 minutes of YOU time!! Trust me when I say, you need to take care of yourself. When you do, you'll be better able to take care of everyone else. Rock out to your favorite tunes, watch a TV show (if using a treadmill of course), or just enjoy the rhythm of your feet hitting the pavement. 30 minutes of YOU time is not much…
  • Great job! I feel the same way about running. I don't like it and find it very boring. When I was a kid I used to run track, but I was a sprinter. Long distances are not my thing. But I'm determined to finish and I do like the feeling once I complete a workout. I just did week 4 day 2 today, and felt like I would die. LOL
  • Awesome job! Thanks for sharing your recap - very encouraging for those of us who have yet to finish the program or run our first 5k. You did GREAT!!!
  • I did week 4 day 1 today and can always use another friend for motivation :)
  • Good luck tomorrow!! That IS an awesome cause. Have a blast and enjoy your hot chocolate at the end :D
  • That's what I'm talking about!!! What inspiration your son is. Love your story!!!! Well, I was scared to death today knowing I would have to do 2 six minute runs. My hubby was making fun of me 'cuz I was so nervous walking into the Y. I even forgot my socks in the car because I was so scatter brained. This time I flipped…
  • Impressive walking pace!! Looks like you walk as fast as I run :) Good luck today with restarting the program!!!
  • "loosing a bit of pudding". LOL!! Hey - hope you're getting better and ready to hit the treadmill. I hurt all the time, especially the night of a workout. But I figure if I'm going to hurt, I might as well hurt doing something good for me. My goal is to run a 5k by running the whole time, regardless how long it takes.…
  • My brain works the same way. I think running is running the whole time. I'm trying not to concentrate so much on the time left during my run sessions. I just can't stop looking at the countdown on my phone! Today I think I will flip the phone over so I can't see it. I live in southern Wisconsin, so the weather is bad…
  • Nice job! I just did week 3 day 3 today. Didn't think I could do 3 minutes either but like you I pushed on! Now I'm freaking out about week 4 ????
  • Congrats!! Must feel great :D