sgrzech2009 Member


  • So what I'm getting is I should eat 1200 calories regaurdless if I excercise that day or not. But I do I should be eatting enough so that the Net Calories says 1200????
  • I strongly dislike BMI it takes nothing other than your weight, height, and age into consideration. I honestly go by body fat percentages either by taping myself like the military does or by the calibers. If I were to go by BMI it would put me at a weight of 116lb yeah never been there in my life not even in boot camp and…
  • My goals are to feel better about myself, run faster and set a good example for my two little girls
    in Goals Comment by sgrzech2009 March 2012
  • I'm in I'll try just about anything right now having atleast 2 a day workouts if not 3 and totally changing my eatting habits isnt showing any results for me. I'm training to go in the national guard and need to loss about 6-7lbs before weighing in and I cant seem to get below 140 to save my life. Any suggestions I'm also…