
Hi, I'm new to MFP and I'm alittle confused on what I should be paying attention to the Net calories or the Remaining calories. I'm trying to figure this out because I'm not losing any weight but gaining weight the way I have been eatting (not enough calories). So I need to know if I'm paying attention to the right number.


  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    I say watch both. The big green Remaining are what you have left to reach your Net goal.
  • sgrzech2009
    sgrzech2009 Posts: 5 Member
    So what I'm getting is I should eat 1200 calories regaurdless if I excercise that day or not. But I do I should be eatting enough so that the Net Calories says 1200????
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    So what I'm getting is I should eat 1200 calories regaurdless if I excercise that day or not. But I do I should be eatting enough so that the Net Calories says 1200????

    You should end up with a difference of 0. MFP already creates a deficit for you without your exercise. It is built that you should eat back those exercise calories or your deficit will end up being too large. If you open your food diary, people could give you a more informed explanation and better advice.
  • Sytera
    Sytera Posts: 75
    My MFP "Goal" is 1220 (I think). I breastfeed and add 500 for that. Then I exercise and get calories from that. I usually end up eating around 2,000 calories a day. If you look in my food diary, some days are off because of traveling or my mom taking us out for a meal. For the most part though, my calories sit around 2,000 but my NET is under 1200 most days.