

  • I have read the same difference to me after 5 weeks. I felt like I had given myself time, by waiting 5 weeks before "complaining". It is possible I am adding muscle because I feel stronger, I can do workouts now that I could only dream of getting through a year ago. I am trying to get my calories up...I even ate…
  • Yes. You are saying eat more and stop working out. LOL I am trying to get my calories up...failed today as I skipped breakfast. This is so difficult for me...but, I can and will fix it.
  • Thank You!!! You are the first person to tell me I eat well...I keep telling myself this but then I hear I am not getting enough calories. I don't eat crap...I try to eat whole nutritious foods...and I cook everything from scratch so I know exactly what I am putting in my body. Dinner is a hard one as I have 4 kids and…
  • This made me cry. Ugh, I am being too hard on myself and I know it. For exercise I walk, about 5-6 miles; elliptical 30m, general aerobics about 50-60m. Last I walked I was carrying 2lb weights. When I do the elliptical my routine is to walk 1.5m to the gym, then 10m of general aerobics (sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks,…
  • I am 5'3" and I weigh 202.
  • I'm just not hungry, I eat till I am full...and some days force myself to eat more because I KNOW I am not getting enough calories in...well I don't "know" it but it's what keeps being said.
  • Ok see, this HAS to be my problem. I do buy fat free yogurt, I keep at 2% milk, I buy full fat cheese (reduced is just gross). I need someone to map out some meals for me. I just made my food diary public, please help. Spell it out for me, I'll do it! My body is stronger from my exercise, I feel it...but it is certainly…
  • I do buy light yogurt, and I tend to eat yogurt just about everyday...good advice skipping the light version. I generally used to eat one big meal a day, so getting more food in me is an issue. I am now up to 2 solid meals a day and try my hardest to get to 3...not easy for me, but I am trying. Nuts are a good idea, I like…
  • I have this same problem and am stuggling everyday to attempt 1200 calories...and then I burn about 1000 calories from my workouts, I should be consuming like 2000 calories, I just can't seem to do it. I am a caloric failure.