New and NEED help

So I am Tiffany and new to these boards. I have been on my weight loss journey for over a month now and am sad to report I have lost about 3 pounds total. ::Sigh::
I know what my issue is but it still isn't easy for me to fix...I need more calories. On the average I am eating about 850 calories a day. I am not losing weight. I can't seem to do more without eating junk and I am refusing to eat junk...I know in the long run that won't help me.
I need some ideas to help get healthy calories in me so I can shed these pounds. A normal workout for me I burn about 1000 calories...and I eat under that everyday. Please help.


  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    One thing you could do is do lighter workout until you get your diet aspect figured out. Also - NUTS! Calorie dense but they're small so you can easily pack away 200 calories even if you're "not hungry" (also nut butters, all natural ones, don't get reduced fat/calorie, they're not good for you)

    You could also try Luna bars, clif bars or lara bars. Lara bars are the most "natural" - I think they all have under 7 ingredients. Those things are calorie dense too.

    Are you doing reduced fat dairy? Get full or higher fat. More calories and you'll feel fuller longer with the fat, don't be scared of fat, you need to eat some.
  • I do buy light yogurt, and I tend to eat yogurt just about everyday...good advice skipping the light version. I generally used to eat one big meal a day, so getting more food in me is an issue. I am now up to 2 solid meals a day and try my hardest to get to 3...not easy for me, but I am trying.
    Nuts are a good idea, I like them and don't eat them very often.