

  • Umm... I'm in for sure! :bigsmile: Start: 175 Goal: 165 by May 17th Created by - Calorie Counter
  • DO NOT give up. Even though it's bascially my 1st day on this, i still care. Just keep doing what you're doing. Results can go on a pausing stage, our bodies are like that. Just remember though, it took a while to gain weight. So it'll take a while to lose it. Never give up! :wink:
  • Hey Everyone. :tongue: I'm Funto and i'm just here to introduce myself really. I hope this is really going to help and be the motivation i need to get healthy and to make this a lifestyle change. I like to start things at the beginning of the week which is usually Monday in my book, but i'm gunna start tomorrow. I'm really…
    in Hi! Comment by Funto_Fatty93 April 2009