loveshoe Member


  • I'm 5'4 and female. I was told to aim for 60-65 per day. I don't know if gender plays a role in the recommended grams of protein.
  • Asp415, Oh wow, sorry you had a complication but I believe it was better to discover it prior to surgery rather than in the middle of surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery and welcome to the sleeved life!
  • I went to see my PCP today for my annual exam. The Doctor actually said I looked healthy and toned. No Doctor has ever uttered those words to me until today. I didn't even realize it was part of the physician vocabulary.
    in Recent NSV? Comment by loveshoe May 2018
  • HappyKat5, I totally agree with you about the number obsession for both size and weight. The medical field and social media has driven us to want to fit into someone's perception of what they believe is perfection. Being healthy is so much more important than a dress size.
  • Crosbyp, you had a serious complication and none of us know how we would have managed that experience. I don't know anyone who has not had to deal with the snacking issue. The only way I could overcome it was to find another activity in place of snacking. I started walking in place for 5-10 minutes. I figure if I'm going…
  • Welcome to the group. I've sent you a friend request. I can promise you I don't have all the answers but I will share any knowledge I can.
  • I still enjoy food. I'm still learning that there are no bad foods but there are foods that a bite or two is all I can have. I still have pizza, 1/2 slice paired with a small salad with a vinegarette dressing. I like bologna even though I know it isn't a smart choice. I won't buy an entire package but get one slice from…
  • Saying prayers for you and your medical team.
  • I agree with all the above advice. If it helps, I was a slow loser. It took me 16 months to lose 103 pounds. Although it was slow I figured every day that I wasn't putting back on weight (even juggling the same pounds over and over) I was successful. As Clcmfp said, reach out to your dietitian for help. Take your food…
  • James, that was a great interview!
  • Welcome to the group. You'll find great support and help here. I've sent you a friend request.
    in New member Comment by loveshoe May 2018
  • Happy Surgiversary, or as I like to call it my 2nd Birthday. Thank you for being here and supporting us all, you never judge us when we get it totally wrong, and you lift us up when we're down. Hope you had a happy day!
  • WLS is the 'old-fashioned' way, the surgery was developed in the 1960's. It took a long time for insurance companies and the general population to recognize that obesity is a medical condition and start paying for surgery. Still, some insurance companies make people jump through hoops to get coverage. As my doctor told me…
  • I don't know if I'll ever understand why people can be so negative when it comes to someone getting healthy. I'm gonna support anyone who is attempting to improve their health in whichever route they pursue. I have friends who have had surgery and those who haven't. We all try to share best practices on what works and what…
  • James, send us a link to the article in the newspaper. Congratulations on your continued success.
  • I'm with clcmfp, I was wiped out after surgery. I actually had to get up early so I could crawl back in bed after my morning shower to rest before I could get dressed for work. I took 2 weeks off work but I understand not being able to take more than a week off if you have to work.
  • My doctor's office gives a free gym membership along with surgery, so they encourage exercise. Personally, I believe you have to start building an exercise habit in the first year to promote weight loss and maintain after you get there. It's interesting that the guidelines of bariatric surgery aren't the same from…
  • Hello, I had the gastric sleeve 2/2/15 and I'm currently at goal weight. My diary is open where you can see the great, good, and bad days. Everything is possible if you stay focused.
  • Most days I continue to eat exactly the same as I did during the weight loss phase. I'm still using food scales and still getting my 10k steps in per day. I have to try to keep my calories below 1200 per day. If I go over I have to exercise off the surplus calories. I do gain and lose the same 5 pounds over and over. My…
  • I agree with you being busy makes it easier to stick with the pre-op diet. I'm not so sure about the 3 days off work, I took 2 weeks and wish I had taken 3 or 4. I think the liquid diet pre-op and liquids post-op just got the best of me. Both of those totaled nearly 20 days of liquids, minimum calories. Other than high…
  • Hello, I'm 3+ years post-op and I've been maintaining for about a year and a half. I can't promise to have all the answers but I'm willing to share anything that might help you or anyone else with maintaining their weight loss. I've learned so much from others that it's important for me to do my part and pay it forward.…
  • I had the VSG surgery and initially started off getting all my protein in liquid form, 60-65 grams per day. As I was able to start eating I reduced the liquid protein supplements. It's a slow transition but that was the recommendation from my surgery center. But like everyone else said follow your nutritionist guidelines.…
  • Nakeddog, glad to know you're feeling better and getting into the grove. It's a learning process from start into infinity. Ditto on everything Steven said about the lifelong commitment.
  • I joined a cycling class. I would have never attempted that prior to losing weight. The class was great, physically demanding, and made me feel so energized. This month I've challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and try different classes offered at the gym.
  • I don't think it's messed up thinking, I believe it's normal thinking after weight loss surgery. Pat yourself on the back at least you've analyzed why you gained the weight and you're taking control of it. I know people who had the surgery and have gained 30-40 pounds and state they don't know why or don't want to…
  • Three weeks sounds like a long time on the pre-op diet but all Doctor's are different. I suggest reaching out to your Doctor's office for additional suggestions on what to eat and how to curb hunger. One thing that helped me stick to the pre-op diet was I wanted my digestive system empty of any food going into surgery. I…
  • I haven't, but I did take a look at their 14-day diet box and recommended food list. All the foods are normal with nothing out of the ordinary that you won't ever eat again.
  • Ditto, what Steven said. I don't remember any specifics that I took to the hospital, maybe something for dry lips and I know I took socks. I'm generally chilly but didn't have any issues with them bringing plenty of extra blankets. They even warmed them up for me in recovery. I did take my bathrobe because I needed it to…
  • StevenGarrigus, were you surprised by how quickly you gained weight?
  • I'm between year 3 & 4. The statistics provided by my doctor was that if I could lose the weight and keep it off for 5 years I had a 100% chance of keeping it off. That is why I'm fighting so hard to hold on to the weight loss and keep my weight below 140. When I was at my heaviest (267) I would have been satisfied to just…