

  • Yes, my thoughts and dreams of being slim consume me everyday. I have been doing it for so long it's like an old friend. Sad analogy, but true. ps. I like your quote!
  • I read the books, join the meetings, take the classes, think non stop about how others preceive me, define sucess by my pant size and I still binge on junk food?
  • Regarding the HR Monitor, local sporting good stores retail for the same price as eBay if you don't want to wait. The Polar website is a great place to visit before you purchase, as they offer a variety of models at different price points. I bought the Polar F11 and am very happy with it. Polar F11: For…
  • The best investment I have made was not equipment per say but a Polar Heart Rate Monitor. You customize the settings to your height, weight, sex ,age and resting heart beat. As you preform activity , it monitors your heart rate and calculates your calories burned. An alarm will sound if you are exceeding your target heart…
  • so much for spell check......thanks!
  • I ran outdoors yesterday instead of the elliptical, what a difference. My breathing is very shallow, even with a prescribed inhaler and I can't breath thru my nose Any suggestions/ tips for a beginner?
  • Does it make a difference what time of day I stop eating if I stick to my daily calorie target?
  • The phrase " ask and you will receive " really works, Thank you! I have taken your advice and exercised. I am a member of the YMCA and decided to take their Turbo Kick Class. It was fun and I was able to burn enough calories to put me back in the "black"! As suggested, my goal is to plan/prepare for the following day in…
    in Help ! Comment by tjblue2 April 2009
  • It's only 4:45 pm and I have already exceeded my daily calories by 336
    in Help ! Comment by tjblue2 April 2009