

  • I cook boneless , skinless chicken breast in the crock pot . Just throw some salsa on it and leave it for the day. Then when done put a little low fat shredded cheese on it............Mexican chicken. You can also put on flat bread or tortilla shell.
  • Hi Welcome. I understand what your going through I also work actually 3 jobs. First of all you have to stay on track. Prepare your food ahead of time . Write a grocery list and use snack bags. Put aside at least an hour a day for you. If you have to get up early or what ever it is. Have a water bottle and keep it filled…
  • I started about 2 weeks ago. I lost 6 lbs so far. I plan on weighing myself once a week.
  • Eat less , Exercise more. Make better choices of the foods you eat and read labels. Track everything you eat. Dont drink Soda. Stick with it. Its a lifestyle change. GOOD LUCK!