What is Nutella
Are you getting enough calories? You can hurt yourself just as much by not eating enough. Also make sure you are getting plenty of fruit and vegatables. They will help with energy. I am in the end of my second week and I am feeling more energized and getting up earlier than I ever did. I find that by eating the right foods…
Hi I am new too. It has been a week today and it has been successful. Feel better and by accounting for my food itis really helping. I want to be successful so bad this time. :smile: :smile:
Hi welcome. Also a new user and it is a great tool. Good luck.
Find something to do like play a video game, work a puzzle , clean out a drawer of go walking or get on on the phone with a friend. You will find out you forget about food for a while. Also keep reminding yourself of your goals.
yea I'm on day three and have done the same. I'm doing great so far . Usually if I get past the third day I'm on the right track and can stay with it. You go girl
:smile: :smile: :laugh: Great web site it is really helping me Two days and no pain so far