featherbrained Member


  • I'd love to try either one. I'm up for anything!
  • Sully is coming home till March 1st! I'll have him in a paddock next to my house with limited grazing, but grass season is over, so it's a perfect winter set up. We'll try to negotiate something more permanent before our time runs out, but at least I have these few months with him right outside my bedroom window. Since…
  • Alafair Burke is a real person, and a writer; she has at least one novel published, I think. She's on my to-read list, I'd love to see if any of her dad's talent got passed on ;)
  • Beth, I think it's funny that you didn't enjoy the book and STILL beat me at finishing it! lol I still have a hundred pages or so. I did get a lot read this weekend though! I think it's always good to try something new; it's not whether or not it was your cuppa, but that you approached it with an open mind and gave it a…
  • So much great info. One thing that has slashed my grocery budget by a third was signing up for www.emeals.com. I use their portion control family plan, though I'm only feeding two. I week's menu lasts us two weeks, and provides lunch and dinner most days (we have the odd meal out with family or whatnot) and breaks down to…
  • I know! Fuel prices are the reason I'm having such a hard time. They're good now, $2.95 a gallon, but they were close to $4/gal just a couple of months ago. And I drive a 1967 Ford F100 that gets about 12 mpg. :p So finding something where I don't necessarily have to go out every day would be ideal. I think I wouldn't have…
  • You're welcome! Do you subscribe to Book Bub? That's where I get all my freebies, and there's tons. It's www.bookbub.com, I think.
  • Ooh, the book thief looks good too!
  • I am up for any that Pat listed! Today, Amazon has free for kindle Write About Me - by Melissa Jane Poulliot I thought it might be an inspiring read for a future selection if anyone wanted to download it. :)
  • Thanks, Epiphany! The things we do for horses, right?
  • I had that very thought! I think if they come back with a no, I'll broach that to them, on trial for the winter until the grass comes in and they need it for the cattle. That at the very least would give me a few more months with Sully.
  • Wow, Belle, you are so fortunate. May I come live with you? ;) lol Our rental home is in the middle of 100 acres of fenced, maintained cow pasture, with about 70 head of cow/calves on it. We're on good terms with the cow guys, as we call them ;) Right behind the barn (which is ours with the house) is a ~2acre tract of…
  • I'll check in when I've finished... sorry it's taking me so long, there's been so much going on that some nights I've felt like I couldn't even concentrate enough to read! I'm going to make a point to try to get it finished this weekend :)
  • I'm on like, pp 350 I think. Y'all carry on though, I'll catch up! I actually read a lot today... I was supposed to be cleaning my house... :blushing:
  • Yep, that's true, too. There are no riding facilities, this is literally a guy's house and barn and 6 acres. I'm thinking though, that if anyone in my area can afford him, they probably have the money to go an hour in any direction and pay $200 to $400 for a high class riding facility. The guy had no sense of humor,…
  • Here too! I've found since beginning IF, though, that any "craving" for it is gone. So I enjoy one if I'm out (only get out about twice a month) and it keeps me from going for the candy, which would be way worse ;)
  • I am so, so sorry, Epiphany. What an enormous loss.
  • I'm up for anything, really, except maybe Twilighty-harry-pottery type stuff ;) Y'all decide, I've had my turn!
  • Yep, I have the exact same reaction when it happens, and I should know better! Been at this for years. On friday, after a good week, I was up a pound. Today, 4 days later, down 3 :) But I threw a fit on Friday and ate everything in sight :( I can really be a doosh to myself ;) I've lost 26 lbs in 43 days.
  • With all that's been going on, I haven't cracked it in two days :( But I plan to take advantage of the nasty weather today! I've been going to bed at night (when I do most of my reading) so drained that I can't concentrate on anything. It's really grabbed me though it took longer than some of his books (most I'm totally…
  • Two words: Ice Cream ;) Seriously, though, I had dental surgery many years ago and felt the same, and I did eat a lot of chicken broth and chocolate ice cream. Just focus on healing, put weightloss aside for now. You will be back on track before you know it!
  • Hi there! The only way skipping meals will trigger weight gain is if you tend to binge after skipping. I frequently skip meals, and twice a week, I skip whole days of eating. By not eating a meal, you can either increase your daily deficit, or you can make up that meal's calories in your next meal/meals. Some of us don't…
  • Hi, Shay. I started 4 years ago at 345, went down to 238 in just over a year, and over 3 years slowly crept back up to 315. I've been back at it for just over a month, and I'm at 290, and headed down. Taking it off isn't the hard part, it's keeping it off! You just have to want it. Bad ;) Best of luck. You can do it!
  • Good point here, life isn't easy. And particularly not for a lot of the folks posting here. So wouldn't we be the bigger people (no pun intended!) if we actually extended some kindness where needed, rather than thinly veiled sarcasm? I am not easily offended, but the "jocks" (male and female) on this site have taken over…
  • Just before half way in, it gets REALLY good, to me :) Things start to gel a bit.
  • I definitely prefer where I am now to other places I've lived. One year, we lived in Iowa, and it was the year with the coldest winter on record. Around Christmas, it was minus 70, and they were doing public service announcements urging farmers to cover every bit of exposed skin while out - a lot of stock was lost that…
  • I am laughing so hard right now. I was like nodding along with you as I was reading, going, gosh, that is so ME! And then I get to "Californian" and "65"!!! I was feeling hibernation kick in as we had our first toothy wind today, blowing all. day. long. The high was about 50, maybe. 30-40 mph gusts. Well on our way to…