featherbrained Member


  • Bi-weekly or monthly would work for me. And I think taking turns is a great idea, or you could leave it open ended, if anyone has a suggestion they could throw it out there, put it to a vote, etc. I started Light of the World by James Lee Burke this morning. I'm at chapter 2 and hooked. Anyone else interested in it? Just…
  • Here's a question for you tall girls: I've lived the majority of my life thinking I needed to be below 150 lbs. As a borderline skinny teen, I was 165lbs. Couldn't go lower no matter how hard I tried. As I got older, I set my sights on that magical BMI chart approved 175 (to still be in the healthy range.) I've not been…
  • I'm in, but will likely only be able to access Kindle available suggestions. I was in the "I'll never have an e-reader" club until 2 months ago. And I'm not big on gadgets. I use a Tracfone and a 7 year old Toshiba, and that's it! But Kindle has renewed my enjoyment of reading. I've read more in the last 2 months than in…
  • Yes, perfectly healthy, and perfect for you if you think it will work for you. This is essentially IF, intermittent fasting. My only suggestion would be to throw in a couple of higher calorie days throughout the week, to up your weekly average a bit. This will keep things moving, and keep you feeling good about what you're…
  • Chances are good that it's just because it's new. It will catch up to you. If you're anything like me ;) Can you pack in some eggs? Hardboiled will give you about 75 cals for a large, lots of protein, and I love them chopped up on my salads. Do you eat steak? Some red meat will up your calories significantly with no carbs.…
  • Y'all can come hide behind me ;) I'm really self-conscious around certain people. There are just some that bring that out in you. Like one of my cousins, a gorgeous, petite little girl next door gal (she's probably 115lbs soaking wet and looks ravishing in her pjs :P ) and her husband who is also fit and barely 5'8. I feel…
  • @PippiNe, too funny! I can see how you might be a bit gun shy ;) lol Unfortunately, I can't blame my fall on anything medical. Just not paying attention. He went forward, I went backward, ta da! I am taking extra vitamins... been so long since I'd had anything (years since I had a stomach bug!) I had to run out and stock…
  • I would say that was def the problem when I started 4 years ago at 350 pounds. Gosh, I pulled, strained, sprained something everytime I went out! :P This time around, I'm pretty familiar with my own weaknesses, and know to stretch and warm up; this injury was a total fluke. However, I would love to hire a personal trainer.…
  • @candleofhope, you will find as many opinions on this as their are people to have them! :) And for the most part (psuedo-medicine aside) they're all right. I was a firm believer in breakfast for a long time. My husband has never eaten breakfast. 12 years we've been married, and I can only squeeze some eggs into him once in…
  • I'm right there with ya, winters are brutal, and I always gain. I love heat. I love to sweat. So I work my butt off outdoors 8 months of the year. Then winter hits. I get depressed. No gym access here in the boonies. Just cold. Grey. And below-zero windchills that will positively cut you in half. We don't usually get a lot…
  • Wow, you're just a pot-stirrer, aren't ya? I don't recall saying, or believing, that bacon was paleolithic. Contrary to popular opinion, we're not all idiots. But I see how this works. Everyone is allowed an opinion. So long as it's yours. I can get with that program. Yes, dripping chemical sponge was a bit ridiculous.…
  • Sorry, should have stated that more clearly: YES bacon you buy in the supermarket most certainly is loaded with chemicals. My thought process began way back in the process where folks used to salt cure their food (and still do so in this area) so it would last the winter, like canning fruits and veggies. I did not state it…
  • I think that's why folks subscribe to diets (and a diet is a diet, whatever you're consistently eating at any given time is your diet) in order to learn moderation. People throw that moderation word around like it's easy peasy... are YOU here because you practiced moderation in all things? Probably not. Some people need a…
  • Yes, it's restrictive, but some personalities do well with restriction. I'm one of them. I lost 109 pounds a few years ago loosely following Primal. It's not as restrictive as Paleo, I don't think, because it still allows some carbs. I felt GREAT. I had no problem implementing it into any situation. But our financial…
  • Ooh, a group for me! :) I don't have any before pics, perhaps I should take some as I'm only -20 in... I hate pictures! My stats: 5'10.5, currently 295lbs, highest weight ever (4 years ago) 345lbs, current starting weight, 311lbs. First goal, 250 by end of the year. Next goal, 200lbs (no time frame on that one, as I'll…
  • I have never been likened to a bada$$ nerd; I like it! I couldn't remember my BF%, so I had to dig out my record; according to the scale, 2 weeks ago I was 46%, and this past Friday, I was 44.5%. My muscle fell in that time too, from 56% to 55%. BMI also fell a couple of .0s. I lost 12 lbs in that period. (Eating about…
  • Great, this is all good to know. I didn't assume it would be really accurate, would more like to use it in the same way I use it to weigh myself, and that is to track downward trends. (hopefully!) I do actually, weigh myself after a 36hour fast each week. My BF%? Way Too High! ;) But I'm working hard to change it. Armed…
  • My apologies. I thought he was being funny. That's the problem with message boards, can't hear intonation, and astronomicals is an amusing guy. The "appetite suppressants" is what threw me. Hey, if it works. ;)
  • You can't change it. Move on. Make a mental note "feel bad when whole pizza is consumed; don't do that again." For me personally, 'cheat' days negate the work I'm trying to do in gaining moderation. But I don't deny myself. If I want to eat out or have pizza (we had Banquet fried chicken and mashed potatoes the other…
  • ^^Best answer.^^ ;)
  • He was being "funny". :) The only thing that works for me is to Just Say No. No eating after supper. After a few nights, the habit seems to disappear for me. I'll often have a cup of tea in the evening. I also crochet to keep my hands/mind busy. There comes a point where you just have to deny yourself. You're likely…
  • As others have said, I don't think it's a 'myth' insomuch as the often touted 'right' way to do it. Which is false. The 'right' way to do it for you is to do what works for you. Must say, I'm a career lifestyle changer ;) And I've always taken the sensible approach, lost slowly, subscribed to starvation mode, yadda yadda.…
  • Yes, the soda itself does not typically cause weight gain (that I know of.) however, for me personally, I have one and want nothing but junk for the rest of the day. If I abstain, no cravings. That's just me though. Slippery slope.
  • Lots of good responses. Another important distinction to make, you can log any activity you want. It is eating back those calories that MFP alleges you burned during said activities that will bite you in the butt. I sometimes log things that I know aren't exercise, just to journal my activities. I don't eat my exercise…
  • OOH, this I will be trying! If I can find fava beans. Never had them before! I personally can't stand garbanzos, except in storebought hummus. I've tried making my own, but it's too... garbanzoey. :) Love lentils, though.
  • Combo scientist and sisyphus here. Thanks for this, I got my laughter meds for the day! ;)
  • Love me some beans! And a great, GREAT option. Taco salad. Love black beans tossed in with lettuce, a little sharp cheddar, all the veggies you want to add and topped with ff sour cream and salsa. I also cook up some ground turkey with taco seasoning to throw on there. Endless possibilites with that one. Pinto, kidney and…
  • I can't answer your first question. Perhaps someone else will. On your second question, those sugars/carbs will only be a problem if the rest of your day is high. Fruit, juice and yogurt are all high-sugar, and personally, the only one I would consider cutting is the juice. Juice has all the sugar of fruit without the…
  • Yes you can! Your body is a machine, you just have to learn how to run it ;) Good luck!
  • Sugar is not evil, in and of itself. Nor is alcohol. However, if sugar derails you and causes you to eat more sugar and more sugar and working it into your daily cals only means you're not eating enough of the nutrient dense foods becasue there's no room due to the sugar... well then, those people should re-evaluate. Not…