raewood4 Member


  • Here's some more ideas: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes_menus/recipe_slideshows/healthy_freezer_recipes#leaderboardad
  • I'm a Ph.D. Candidate in my last year (all fingers crosses). I've worked as I could to keep my weight under control while balancing (going to the gym to read, limiting take out/weekly cooking, etc). Sadly, I looked over my old weight tracker for the entire time I've been in grad school. Turns out I gained about 10 pounds…
  • I can relate, I travel about a week each month (1000 plus miles) and trips with family are more difficult (as there are emotions related to food - childhood memories, not wanting to seem like you don't like food a loved one made, etc). For the actual trip: I buy snacks and know the calories beforehand (carrots, pretzel,…