

  • You should not put others down by telling them they eat too much! We are all here for encouragement. Loosing it slowly is the only way to keep it off. You may loose weight on a diet that sheds it fast, but your body doesn't get use to what it needs to keep it off. You need to change what you eat and you will keep it off. I…
  • Ok so going on an extremely low carb diet is not realy good in the end if i already have high cholesteral. On it I cant seem to take in more than 700 calories and im burning about 200 a day. With what you said no wonder I am always tired and cant seem to loose any weight. Would you suggest stopping the low carb(20g) a day…
  • Thank you I'll give it a try.
  • I can't seem to get more than 700calories in a day. I eat alot, but low carb. Anyone know of any high calorie y Created by - Free Calorie Counteret low carb foods.
  • Hi everyone my name missy and I am having a hard time with calories. See I am on a low cal diet and can't seem to be able to eat more than 700 calories in a day. I am on day three, and I am eating alot. Anyone know of any high calorie low carb foods. I'm stumped.
    in hello Comment by moomoo April 2009