

  • When i joined, i had already lost some weight too. But I put my highest weight. I had gained a little bit, so its nice to see that im still not as big as i was even after gaining a few back. :-) It doesnt hurt anything! :-)
  • LoL...thanks..ive been on here a little while. Just wanted to see if there was anyone out there here in the DFW area. :-)
    in DFW??? Comment by frogzrkool March 2011
  • Quick "diets" like that have quick results...but then you quickly gain it back too! So much better to just have a whole lifestyle change and do it slowly..rather than starve yourself and gain it back quickly. Its alot easier to keep it off when you go slowly! :-)
  • Yes...When it happens to me it slips on the side where there isnt moving belt! Scares me every time!
  • I feel strongly about cheat days! Have one cheat day a week to reward yourself for doing so well during the week! Just get right back on track the next day! If you deprive yourself of the things you love...then you are tempted more! Also, I have a package of those Dove chocolates..they are only 40 calories a piece...i have…
  • Would love to be here for your support! Add me if youd like to! Im fairly new myself as well! :-)
  • Sweet! Im so excited to have new friends! :-) Thanks yall!