sarahel25 Member


  • hey you will get more responses if you post on the general forum that is open to everyone and not just the 5 friends you have on your page.
  • and cheesecake factory is horrible. I think they inject their food with extra calories just because. haha i used to eat cheesecake from here until i looked up the calorie content.
  • thank you. that improves my mood. I was extra careful all day to not go over my calorie goal for the day. i know its one day but one day always turns into two somehow. glad to know im still under my goal for the day
  • really that sounds better than cheesecake factory but I think cheesecake factory packs calories into all their food for some reason. I was thinking to put maybe 500 just to be safe. do you think it is more likely that or more likely 1000 something
  • your right it is that kind of thinking that will make me fall. when I eat something like this it makes me think well I might as well give up because my habits aren't good and start beating myself up and my thoughts sabotage myself not the one piece of pie.
  • looked all over all I can find is cheesecake factory
  • I know cheesecake factory has over 1000 but I'm wondering if it is because of the place since all food there has high calorie content or the kind of pie?
  • if you budgeted in your daily calorie goal and you have enough calories left go ahead and have a drink or two. this is what I am gonna do. it will help moderate my drinking habits so that is a good thing. have fun!! and dancing is a good idea if you want to burn extra calories, you also can look up the calorie amount on…
  • AWESOME YOUR DOING IT!!!!!!! you look so much better and I'm sure feel better too :)
  • this is awesome way to go!!! great job girl.... give me tips haha.
  • today wasn't a planned cheat day for me since the food I ate was before hearing and starting on this program. after calculating the calories I ate though I feel horrible. I not only had a big chocolate chip cookie but also ate a cinnamon crunch muffin from scooters which has 500 calories in it and drank a carmelicious…
  • just because you had one cheat day doesn't mean that you aren't on the path to a better you. just don't let it get to your head and think well since I messed this day up it is hopeless for me to loose weight. because it's not I'm guilty of this kind of thinking and it just causes me to gain more weight than if I just think…