

  • WOW! Thank you for this info! I am currently 140 kilos and x 35 that is 4900 calories just to maintain my current weight! I had no clue I was eating that much! When I started my fitness pal, I had no idea how many calories I was consuming or needed to consume to lose weight. The system put me at 1680 calories per day. So…
  • Thank you! I figured it out piece by piece and Yep! I should have stuck with the 6'' if I was going to eat it at all! I'm new to all this so I am just learning! I'm going to log before I eat from now on!
  • OK, so I'm eating a Subway Sandwich and I can't find the nutrition info for it... Does anyone know how to do this? It's a 12'' Spicy Italian with Roast beef on Monterey Cheddar bread with the bread hollowed out. regular meat ( pepperoni, Salami, and Roast beef) NO cheese Lettuce Tomato Cucumber Red Onion Spinach Light (as…
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