

  • Hi there! Another CrossFit convert here! My husband and I joined a CrossFit gym 7 months ago and we're addicted. Can't overemphasize how wonderful it is and how much I love it! I too am not a natural athlete - I've been amazed and what I'm able to accomplish now! To top it off, I'll be 44 next month - I tell everyone that…
  • I've been doing CrossFit for 7 months. It is THE BEST THING I have ever done for myself. The best. I'm a 44 year old female who started running about 2 years ago after being sedentary for pretty much my entire life. I had to stop running a year ago because I started having knee problems. I was close to being in the worse…
    in CrossFit Comment by lkoncar July 2012
  • Yesterday's hero WOD in honor of Memorial Day was 'Severin' - 50 strict pull ups, 100 games standard push ups, run a 5k. LOVED it! We had 41 people in class and it was great!
    in WOD Comment by lkoncar May 2012
  • It does get better, I promise! I'm a 43 year old female and started CrossFit 6 months ago. Was not fit at all back then. Now I'm holding my own! My first foundation classes 6 months ago were brutal. BRUTAL. The soreness is normal - you're most likely working parts of your body that have never been worked before. Stick with…
  • My husband and I started doing CrossFit almost 6 months ago. We go 4-5 times a week and LOVE it! A few others have commented and I'll reiterate - the scale is SLOOOOOW to show results. I'd run quite a bit in the past, but never any kind of weight lifting, so it was 3 months before I started to see a shift in the right…