1 week and i ajusted! xD
Try DDP Yoga, i have a lot of weight i can do almost everything!
Fala galera! Bora lá! Adiciona e vamos emagrecer!
fazendo nada disso nao! xD
Hey all! I am 26 years old, working as a systems analyst for 5 years. I am calm, i love games and tecnology. Why I Want To Get In Shape I've been weighing around 134kg for 4 years on average. I decided to change all that, losing 30 kg and put an end to my sedentary lifestyle. Please add me and lets do it together!
WOW! I'm happy that a lot of people replyed my topic! Thanks for all the advices, i got the iPhone App and i loved. i'll lost more pounds to start the program. I just subscribe to a 10km marathon here in Santos, where I live. I'm excited to train to get it complete. Thx for the support!
Sempre contando agora. Vamos ficar em forma! \o/
i love my butt LOL its serious