Thank you so much :) Ive been trying to lose weight for such a long time and every time i would fail but this time Im not leaving any room for failure. Thats why i was so happy to see i had lose 26 pounds i hadnt weighted in a month because i was afraid of what it would say even tho id been working so hard the scale has…
As for noticing i did think i looked a bit lighter thats why i decided it was time to step on the scale and see
Im using a glass Weight Watchers scale that my mom's boyfriend gave because he knows how hard im trying to lose weight. I dont know if its a good scale or not Ive always just believed what it said and went with it but 20 pounds just seemed way to much to gain just overnight
Thank you guys so much I feel so much more at ease know I cant gain that much weight over night :) I do weight myself in the same spot every time but I must admit i never thought to change the batteries XP