

  • First, Static stretching shuts off CNS (Central Nervous System), so always use Dynamic Stretching to loosen up and static stretching to cool down. (…
  • The ab roller is a great tool, but most people don't have the core strength to be doing the exercise from that angle. Start by doing the same motion with your elbows on a stability ball. Eventually you will be able to lower the angle of the stability ball by using smaller and smaller balls until you have finally reached…
  • Stability balls are a great tool if used properly, if used wrong they can lead to serious spine injuries over extended periods of time. You have to remember that the core is designed for stability not movement. If you watch professional’s sports like football, watch when they run and cut into different angles. Their…
  • Try building up the stability around your ankle, knee and hip joints first. Good way to do that is simple balance exercises and techniques (Single leg balance, single leg balance w/ eyes closed, single leg balance with rotation etc.). Also try single leg squats (keeping hips square and back in neutral) and body weight…
    in Lunges? Comment by OLifter25 April 2009