

  • Thanks for the tip! They had just opened a bunch of the extreme terrain so we had a blast riding several of the glades and one of the bowls. Definitely was a fun mountain and we're already scheming a trip there again next year.
  • That's true. I think I will try going that route and see if it helps. I've been exhausted lately with doing as much cardio as I have been and doing 5x5. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Keep up the good work everyone! I just came across this group last week and I've been struggling lately so hopefully this will help keep me motivated. Starting my 10th month, Squat: 300 lbs (Stalled at 305 last time) Bench: 145 lbs Rows: 150 OHP: 100 DL: 355 Goal for the month is to get my bench to 165.