

  • What I am about to say may not be exactly medically sound to most folks, but it's my personal story and experience that I lived through. I will start by saying, I have not had healthy eating habits. But when you're young, it doesn't matter as much. I used to diet with success. Sometime near the end of college, that…
  • First of all... I really relate to this post. You can't look at one or two bad meals as failure. It happens to everyone. Maybe there is some other reason for the self sabotage? I struggle with that also. I lost 40 pounds from my highest before joining here. It's been a long process... lots of trial and error. You and your…
  • But she isn't eating 1200 calories. Only 900 on most days. That's why we are all saying, Eat more! Please eat more!
  • I think your calorie intake is way too low. You shouldn't be eating less than 1000 calories, and on many days, you are. If you are working out on top of that... well, it's just not enough calories. I know that's hard to believe. But I had a weight loss halt which is what brought me to this site. I started tracking my…