mightyanteater Member


  • I want to know about this too! Did you ever get an answer to this? I've been doing insanity for the past 3ish weeks and don't know if I should change my activity level or just add it as exercise (it's not in the exercise database though)
  • Thank you all for so many encouraging words and stories!! I got up and went grocery shopping (for all the good stuff, not the bad stuff). I made a healthy home-cooked meal and am feeling better already. It took me about 2 years to put this weight on so I'll try to be patient about getting it off. This was me before:…
  • I definitely need the motivation too... I stopped keeping track and ended up gaining weight >.< argh. You've made such progress!! You still look amazing!
  • you probably shouldn't be posting your favorite beer if you're not legally able to drink it.. I've heard of people getting in trouble for that >.< I love Pipeline Kona beer but Bud Light if I'm on a budget haha