

  • My feeling is that you should not eat more than you are hungry for. If you are regularly under by that amount, and you are eating healthy, losing weight at a reasonable rate and exercising, then more power to you. I had a lapband surgery in the beginning of August and I will tell you I have been eating a LOT less than the…
  • Well, I guess I would consider how you looked and felt at 150. With a 6' frame, I think 150 might be a good weight, and 140 might be a little low, but, if you felt overweight at 150..... I guess I would look at pictures of myself at that weight and assess how I was, ei: general condition and all. When you were at 150 were…
  • I checked for you: 2/3 cup half & half - 210 cal 19g fat. 2/3 cup 2% milk - 81 cal 3g fat So, yes, you saved some calories. ;)
  • I almost always have this problem, and find nonfat milk fills when a lot of other higher fiber and carb foods don't. Just my tip. :wink: