

  • One of the main things that l want to achieve, even though it sounds silly to others, is crossing my legs. I have been overweight since I was about 9 years old. I have always wanted to be able to cross my legs easily and without effort. I see people do it like second nature and it bothers me that I cant because my legs are…
  • @hayley.. I accepted your friend request. I think it makes it so much easier when you have the most support. I am in about the same weight loss goal range and you, 60 minumum-95/100 maximum. I think we will make great MFP buddies since we are doing the same workout and all that. Let me know how things are going and how the…
  • @hwaterhouse, I am planning on sticking to MFP for my diet and nutrition. I dont want to put to much strain or pressure on having to eat a certain way and do the workout. I tend to fizzle out a lot faster that way. I have learned that balance is the key. I feel like I can stick to healthy lifestyle by just watching what I…
  • Thank you so much everyone for the helpful advice and tips. My box came in today and I am going to read through the guidline books and watch the first video to be able to visualize what I am going to do. I cant wait to work this program and start to see some results. Thanks again, Ruby