

  • I recently started working out, but on Tuesday and Wednesday I haven't had any motivation. I am so frustrated with myself. But prior to my two day laps of being off schedule I noticed that I can't sleep since I changed my eating habits and started working out. And even thou I didn't work out in two day's I still can't…
  • I lost 3 lbs
    in Half Way! Comment by latoyad April 2009
  • If you don't already have these DVD's. I like Denis Austin Body Burn With Dance and Pilates & Denise Austin Hit the Spot 10 five-minute Target Toners, With this one you can customize your workout. I get a good work out with these two DVD's.
  • I normally only eat 3 meals a day and typical not hunger very often. I already get a lot of protein in my diet., but my friend informed me that I need to eat every two hours to boost my metabolism. Also as I am watching my calories I have noticed that I am under the 1200 mark for calorie intake. Do you have any suggestion…
  • Thank You, for your support. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for snacks. I already get a lot of protein in my diet. I normally only eat 3 meals a day, but my friend informed me that I need to eat more calories. Because I am under the 1200 mark for calorie intake. Do you have any suggestion to help boost my…
    in Hello Comment by latoyad April 2009
  • Hello I am new to My Fitness pal.
    in Hello Comment by latoyad April 2009