

  • I lost 50lbs on weight watchers. I LOVED it! I thought it was great, b/c I ate what I wanted as long as I kept up with my points. I lost so much weight, that I wanted to see how far I could go with it. I have since then began weight training and stepped up my cardio and started eating clean. I actually became a figure…
  • I just found a recipe online this weekend for Black Bean Brownies. 1 Can of Black beans 1 Pkg of Brownies Puree the black beans with some water add to the mix and bake. Do not add egg or oil. They were soo good and fudgy. :) My family could not even tell that I had beans in them.
  • I am on a specific diet and can only have eggwhites and oatmeal in the morning. However, I have come up with (I think) a tasty solution. I mix 4 eggwhites and 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a tsp of sweet potato (baby food), cinnamon to taste and 1 pkg of splenda. I mix it all in a magic bullet and put it in a muffin pan. One…