

  • I've been taking citalopram for a week now. I think the weight gain probably comes from carb cravings because I've been very hungry since taking it. I'm watching my calories very closely. I haven't weighed myself, but if there is no change this week then I'll know that it's making me hold on to weight, which more than…
  • Enjoy yourself. Any weight you gain will most likely be water.
  • I just want to fit into my size 16's in August and then 14 in September....and so on and so on. Trying not to depend on the scale to much. A pants size a month seems realistic...I think
  • I'm so glad this is catching on. I posted that I was IF on calorie count website and I got called everything but a child of God. I was even told that they would kick me off of the site for promoting poor eating habits! Go figure...
  • I don't think her question was whether or not she should do them, or if they're healthy. She just wanted to find a quick meal for school. I'm assuming (correct me if im wrong) that this is your first year? It's a huge hassle in any year to make time to eat healthy. I remember those days ; ) Slim fast can be a great…