

  • Make a hot chocolate instead, it's always enough for me and it's less calories if you make it right or buy a low cal one :) The alternative is, you could get some dark chocolate. I know after one or two pieces I don't need anymore
  • story of my life, I keep thinking "I'll just lose the weight and then I can socialise again". At the same time it's kinda motivation to look good just so I can stop worrying about how I look and who will see me. I even quit the gym because of it (which is stupid, I know) but now we have exercise equipment at home so I'm…
  • I'm a vegetarian and I'd respond like that if your suggestion seemed like a joke and if I thought you knew I was a vegetarian, however you didn't know so it was a little rude. Maybe she thought you knew? I get people making jokes to me constantly like my dad asking me if I want any sausages when he's cooking them and it…