1sneakykiki Member


  • Well, aren't you a tall glass of YES MA'AM!! Congrats -- you look great! Nice ink, too.
  • Yup -- especially in your stomach! Congrats!
  • I watch the show happily, understanding three basic truths: 1) They are selling a fantasy. In reality, if I walked into the bedroom wearing this (http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/16/11/51/3709537/7/628x471.jpg), my fiancé would laugh his @ss off. 2) If it were my 24/7 job to look model underwear for Victoria's Secret, I would…
  • I'm Nigerian and my boyfriend is Jewish of Russian and Polish descent. He and his family love African food! And I love everything his mom cooks.
  • "I found a window in the kitchen, where I let myself in. I rummaged through the refrigerator, poured myself a beer. I can't believe I'm really here, and she's lying in that bed. I can almost feel her touch and her anxious breath. I stumble in the hallway outside her bedroom door I hear her call out to me, I hear the fear…
  • Ruthe8, it's not about being horrible. Chill out. A lot of cultures (and individuals) show their love for a person by feeding them food. It's not like they're going to strap me down and force feed me. Maybe you don't give a damn about being obnoxious and offending people, but I do. And I _am_ "freaking hungry". That's…
  • You guys all have incredible advice -- thanks so much for your responses! The plate trick some of you mentioned is epic!!! I will fill a small plate with food so that when I go for a (still smaller) plate of seconds, I will look like I stuffed myself. It will be kinda hard to get a good workout in such a packed house...…
  • Posting from Indianapolis
  • Tonic water! Gin & tonics used to be my signature "slim" drink, but then I looked at the label. It's just as bad as soda and juice! Bars usually don't carry diet tonic, so I just drink them at home now (Q Tonic at Whole Foods is also a good alternative to diet tonic water).
  • Hey there! I totally relate to your situation. I'm also a grad student working full time, and you're right -- when you finally leave work/school at 9pm, there aren't many healthy food options out there for you. Sometimes I find I'm too tired to cook, but too hungry to sleep! I also regained weight I previously lost this…