Shocked by the calorie content



  • Generally food in restaurants. Like one standard meal is around 1200 calories each!

    Yes, every time I've gone to a restaurant that posts the nutritional information I've just about had a heart attach. I've seen fish dishes of 1800 calories (I think that was Macaroni Grill?). CRAZY.
  • basically all the junk i was eating had terrible calorie content lol. i was a snack-a-holic, but things are changing! i'd rather have a banana anyways :)
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Almonds or any nut really WHOA! Watch out!

    Packed some almonds for work... weighed the little critters... 240 calories for 40g.

    And Nutella... 100 calories per tablespoon! Make sure you give the measuring spoon a really good lick when you're done scooping!!

    Almonds are wonderful for you. NO, you can not eat an entire bag but they are very nutrient dense and have mostly " good fats " that lower cholesterol. Eat them! Just a small handful a day will be great for you.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    antipasto salad...its bc of the meat tho but i was like whaaaa???!! lol
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Peanut M&Ms
    220 calories for 1/4 cup. I easily ate 800-1000 cals in those last night....
  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
    Subways Pizza!
    I know it wasn't great, but 680 calories for such a small pizza was ridiculous!
  • fitdiana21
    fitdiana21 Posts: 16 Member
    Orange Juice. Like liquid candy. Haven't drank it in a year...

    This one made me so mad!!! Everyone is going off about oj for breakfast and come to find out it is really high in cals :( I don't drink it anymore needless to say :(
  • 1sneakykiki
    1sneakykiki Posts: 12 Member
    Tonic water!

    Gin & tonics used to be my signature "slim" drink, but then I looked at the label. It's just as bad as soda and juice! Bars usually don't carry diet tonic, so I just drink them at home now (Q Tonic at Whole Foods is also a good alternative to diet tonic water).
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Chopped Salad at Outback. 561 calories for a side salad! Never again.
  • Well, one calzone in my dining hall has over 1k cals and 2.5kmgs of sodium. jjdfjfjfjgjfjj THAT'S SODIUM FOR THE REST OF THE DAY! Thank god I checked up on that (haven't had one since the beginning to the semester, but just in case I was ever tempted). I'm all for splurging, but that's a bit too much of a splurge for me. It'd mean really having to watch with the sodium for the rest of the day. Guess I shouldn't be so shocked considering that ONE slice of plain cheese pizza is about 650 calories and one serving of their mac and cheese is 700 or so.

    Thank goodness for the menu.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I had a packet of Walkers Deep Ridged crisps, which are thick and crinkle cut in appearance. I was shocked to find out these contain 256 calories!!!!! I have no plans to have a packet again. What food product due to the calorie content has caused your jaw to drop and your eyes to widen?

    Nuts--I do like the occasional bag of pistachios. 130 calories for a 2-ounce bag...but 100 of those are fat! :noway:
  • iJiVE
    iJiVE Posts: 20
    Pop tarts - i totally forgot about that but yea!! 400 calories for a packet! unbelievable.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Totally been jonesing for a Poptart...but won't go there!!! And for some reason Kelloggs Frosted Flakes. And what's weird is I never ate that kind of stuff before losing weight. Go figure???
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    Iced pound cake. I think those calories must be wrong somehow. Even triple chocolate cake isn't that much...
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    Some of the food they serve at our dining hall at my college campus.
    The menu online for the week offers you the ability to check out the nutritional info, but I only looked at the menu to see what was to eat.
    Recently checked for my favorite parmesian chicken sandwich patty thing..... it was around 600 calories! And with that meal I usually have baked potato wedges and possibly some rice. Considering still getting it, but not eating the bun it comes with because they're pretty monstrous.
  • LilacDaffodil
    LilacDaffodil Posts: 148 Member
    Eggs - how much fat??!! I never even considered that there was fat in eggs :sad:

    And there's no listing on MFP for 'stolen' chips - if you nick chips from someone else's plate there's no calories, right? :wink:
  • Muffins!

    noah's bagels banana nut muffin: 490 cals.
    It's just a regular sized muffin, not big-looking at all!
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    Oriental Chicken salad from Applebee's - Grilled Chicken. According to the website half of the salad is something like 690 calories!!! I almost fell off my chair when I logged that in!

    I love that salad !!! Such a bummer.
  • Clumz27
    Clumz27 Posts: 60 Member
    Deep fried Twinkies. Insane. They may sound healthy, but trust me, they're NOT.
  • Frijj Milkshake- Especially the chocolate one!

    I always thought they were ok until I started logging them on here- They claim to be 'low fat' but a single bottle (500mil) still has 400 odd calories in :(