

  • Totally agree! All those pushup and plank moves are killer. I'm having to really modify the first set because I just don't have the strength to stay up in plank. I'm still sore overall but I'm really going to try to push myself next round of workout 7. I'm gonna be's my least favorite workout so far, but I'm…
  • FINALLY dropping pounds :-) I started week 7/8 this past Sunday. I haven't taken all my measurements recently, but I did check my waist and upper hip (3" below waist) because they are my problem areas. I've lost 1 inch in both regions. The first 7 weeks the scale was barely moving, but over the last week and a half I've…
    in results? Comment by Jmfo1 May 2012
  • I also had to do some modifications for my knees. I didn't actually injure them, but I could tell that some of the exercises could potentially cause me to twist my knees (especially those swinging lumber jack lunges in phase 2). I just made sure to go really slow on those exercise and make sure I had proper knee/foot…
  • On week 2 of phase 2. Yeah....definitely have a love/hate relationships with the crabs. They KILL but my arms are looking better. I am finding that I have to be very, very careful with leg/knee placement. I feel like it would be very easy to twist a knee with some of these exercises.
  • It's great to see all your comments. I was actually getting pretty bummed out because I've been losing and gaining back the same 3-4lbs. However, I did lose almost an inch in both my hips and waist. I am seeing more definition and strength overall, but those stubborn scale numbers can be discouraging. I've really started…