

  • Newbie here, so hope Im ok in what Im about to say (forgive if not, k). Do numbers really matter all that much? If we eat HEALTHY, nutritionally balanced food and we feel satieated after, isnt that what matters? As long as we are maintaining HEALTHY mind and body, and can stay within a good range, then I say coolio!! Give…
  • Allow your SELF-PRAISE to increase, as in, wow I did thus and thus so far so YEY ME. As we give thanks for what IS, we get more to be THANKFUL FOR. Same goes with our weight, allow yourself the privilege of enjoying what you HAVE accomplished so far (being on here, for one; trying to be healthier etc). Then the rest will…
  • Im gonna call mine ME wait.. EVERYDAY on this journey has become a ME DAY!! haha and the More I LV ME, the more I can LV U, right??? :) "Love others, as you LV YOURSELF"!!!! We tend to skim over that last part!! I dont mean to sound selfish at all, but I DO feel we have to do this FOR US, therefore, celebrate…