lippygidg Member


  • This explains it perfectly ... read carefully :)
  • THANK YOU EVERYONE! This has been so helpful. Im usually a reader on here not a poster glad I did it. You have all helped. Please add me as a friend if you would like. Hopefully you have open food diaries I can get new ideas. Maybe Im in a food rut too :P Good luck to you all!
  • Yes I have done that ... it worked for me last month when I measured :) And wow you look GREAT! Congrats !! I would post my picture but I cant ever get it to work!
  • Awwe THANK YOU! that actually made me tear up :) lol your right. I guess we get spoiled to the pounds dropping off in the beginning like its always going to be that way. I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong or if I should be eating the calories burned. like maybe i am under eating ?? I wouldnt feel bad if it…
  • Funny I have been thinking about getting one of those. I have to go there anyway for some other things for my son I'll check them out ... Thanks:)
  • I know I keep telling myself dont look at the number on the scale .. thats when I was shocked to see the inches i have dropped. and since the numbers werent changing much I guess I was hoping to see a bigger number for inches this time around also. I got discouraged with a 2 ... I am happy its all in the right direction…
  • Well lets start with Opening your food diary to public so we can see what your eating
  • I always have trouble posting pics! what am I doing wrong ??? Sorry!
  • Very Funny .. Those were my exact words to myself. I work out hard and eat WAY healthier then I ever have. and the weight fell off at first .. this month has been really rough as far as the scale goes. Even going up and down . however I did do the measurements and take a beginning photo. I measure once a month and so…
  • LOL Thank you! I was just as surprised each time I took a picture. I dont see it in the mirror myself. So each month I measure myself I was surprised. I think mostly with the last pic. I wasnt really loosing much weight that month but lost another 8 inches. I want to try Insanity .. not sure Im ready for it though. But the…
  • Great Job! Now how did you post your picture??? LOL
  • I dont know if you can read the print on the picture but I lost 20 lbs ans 17 inches in 2 months! I did Tae Bo mixing up the many DVDs he has out ( getting them from the library) I just started adding the Treadmill because and upped my calories a little because I started to Plato (?) Good Luck with whatever you decide on.…
  • ummmm you can try that ??? LOL
  • I dont have Insanity pics BUT I have Great Tae Bo pics! I want to do Insanity next .How do I share a picture on here?? I cant get it to work :(
  • How do you post pics ??? Mine isnt working :(
  • What am I doing wrong ... my pic wont post!?!?!
  • oatmeal , cottage cheese , apples , almonds, just to name a few :)
  • I got tired of seeing myself "hiding behind " someone else in a picture !! Im out going , love to smile and laugh. time to do it for real not just for the camera! I want front row!! ( In a cute outfit ! hahaha)
  • I have also used it ( just dance 4) I track it under dancing .. the one where it says dancing, aerobic, .... . put in the minutes and it will tell you the calories. PS dont pause in between to choose songs you have to keep moving. Set it to the fitness ( I forget what its called on that one) ( Im sure you knew that though…
  • Im also on the 1200 cal. I cant say I struggle getting them in but by the end of the day with breakfast and lunch pre planned. getting a balance of vegetables and fruits . I usually have left overs at the end too depending on dinner. when I do and IF I'm hungry I'll have a "late night snack" so to speak , and eat an apple…
  • I love how you said "deleted" and not lost the weight. I usually say "released it" haha because when you "lose" something you usually want it back we dont want it back!!! Great Job!
  • You can look at mine for ideas ... ( today is not done yet) Im just starting too so if anyone sees something I should do different please tell me :) Im down 8 lbs in 2 weeks though :)
  • I wouldnt say ridiculous But I totally understand what you mean As long as you haven't changed anything there should be no reason to panic right :) I also had to remove the scale from my bathroom just an out of sight out of mind and only weigh in once a week. I feel that if I weigh everyday that is just adding stress…
  • Fleetwood Mac ... "Dont Stop" listen to it ,think about it in a weight loss frame of mind , its encouraging :)
  • Also.. I see that it says I have joined MFP in 2012 ... thats when I got my phone and found the app ... I never did anything with it until 2 wks ago! I didnt want anyone to think I have been doing this for a year and only lost 8 pounds!! LOL Im down 8 since Jan 2, 2013! :)
  • I have also heard many times the calories burned on here are high ... but I keep it like that it does encourage me .. as someone previously posted. But I do not eat the calories "I burn"
  • I am a preschool teacher and I DON'T DARE give up my coffee!! I have it all measured out that I have 24 oz which equals to 150 calories I drink it with regular sugar and half &half .( rarely flavored creamers on the weekends) I have one coffee cup while getting up and ready and a travel cup on my way to work. Because it is…
  • A couple things you can do ... one if your bored of course you can workout :) even just dancing around the house any movement is calorie burning. Another thing I do is before you go to the fridge wait 20 minutes your brain will in that time think of something else besides food. If those dont help ... Chew Gum! nothing…