Elandri Member


  • Actually, you subtract the fiber count from the carb to get your net carbs. Veggies still count as carbs. Veggies are definitely not free carb foods. Some have more carbs than fiber, like potatoes. So you need to be careful. Like today I had 348g of broccoli, says it had 16 carbs and 8 fiber. That means I had 8 carbs worth…
  • The other day I dealt with extremely sore upper leg/thigh muscles hurting. I soaked in a hot bath for about 20 mins and took the day off to rest. My legs were semi sore the next day but I went back into my exercise video (30 day shred) In which I rested a bit afterwards and then took another hot bath, My legs feel much…
  • Well I took a day off yesterday because my leg muscles were still so sore that just getting up and down hurt. (I did go for a walk with my dog for a little bit though) I was kind of afraid I'd injure myself and since I'm so big figured a day of rest was needed. Today I was still a little sore but I pushed myself and turned…
  • I just might use this idea. Typically my boyfriend and I go out to eat before I go grocery shopping, which we do every 2 weeks on his day off after pay day. So I think I may allow myself that "free" meal every couple of weeks. I'll see how that goes.
  • I may have just started this journey about 5 days ago, but one thing that I found that helps motivate me to keep going is reading the success stories here. The before and after photos amaze me and I realize that I WANT that. In fact, it's those photos of those who were 300+(as I am) that are now under 200 that got me…
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I plan to do it again tomorrow as planned. And you are right, it is a good sore! Just haven't had sore muscles in years, so yay! (Feels silly to be excited about pain, heh, but I am.) At least I know all that sweating is doing something!
  • Just did day 2, god I haven't sweated this much in a long time. Still haven't been able to make it all the way through, but I'll get there!
  • Got my scale today, official Weight is 345. I knew I went up some after getting our new place, wasn't as bad as I expected. So now I drop them! My first mini goal is to get under 300.
  • It's great that you said that. My daughter is already as big as I was at her age and going to have her first child. I can see her doing everything I did at her age and her being as big as I am. It scares me, I don't want her to go through this. I already tried to tell her to walk everywhere she can while pregnant that it…
  • Thanks for all the replies and encouragement. I am excited to start this lifetime change. I hope to find people I can turn to on an off day. (Right now I'm pumped and want to just start running wild with this, but I know that I'll have bad days, but in the end that's what matters!)
  • I just wanted to post a pic of my puppy and motivator to keep walking. (okay I can't help but brag about my little baby XD) This is Elly and Kyra my 2 and half year old cat we adopted from a shelter. (Had her four months now) Hmm the picture seems really big and not fitting, how do I make it smaller?
  • I grew up as a console gamer, but played mostly RPGs. (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Warrior, Breath of Fire) etc. As I started getting into computers I moved up to MMORPGS. I have played Everquest, Final Fantasy XI Online, Star Wars Galaxies. Aion etc. Currently I play World of Warcraft (Yes the big named one :P)…
  • Yes, exactly how I feel. I love watching my girl run around while I'm walking. I have one of those extended leashes so she can zig zag as she pleases. I only tighten it when cars are coming by for safety or people walk by as she'll try to jump on them for love. XD Just yesterday I started looking for dog parks to take her…
  • I just started it about an hour and half ago. Surprisingly I did well on the push ups. (Couldn't do them all, but they weren't the most painful part.) I didn't do the jumping jacks or any of the movements that required any jumping, as I'm 300+ and was afraid I'd hurt my knees. So I just marched in place. I lasted for all…