

  • (Challenge Starting Weight, Last Weeks Weight, Current Weight, Loss Of, and Total Loss Of) p.s. CSW is the weight at the beggining of joing this group and loss of is not total loss, it is loss in the last week. CSW: 183 LWW: 175 CW: 172 LO: 3 TLO: 11
  • CSW: 183 LWW: 176 CW: 175 LO: 1 TLO: 8
  • Challenge start weight: 183 Last weeks weight: 183 Current weight: 176 Loss of: 7 lbs!
  • Hi everyone! this is the first group I've joined on mfp. I thought I would join to help me ramp up this summer. I've been stuck in a plateau ever since I lost 50 lbs, and I want to bust through it! I gained 5lbs this past week from not exercsing due to an injury, but I can go again, so this is perfect timing. I'm hoping to…
    in Intros! Comment by hbehrle May 2012
  • Height: 5'4" HW: 227 SW: 183 CW: 183 My goal is to lose 10 or more lbs. in the 3 months. I've been stuck in a plateau and went up the last week due to not being able to exercise because of an injury. I just want to bust through this plateau, and hit the 160's!
  • I do not feel like I am obsessed with the scale, but I do weigh myself once a day right after I wake up, and before I hit the shower. The number motivates me to do better through the day. If I see it go up, I make sure to exercise harder or watch my calories/fat closer for the day. It also works the opposite way too. When…
  • That is absolutely fantastic! You look wonderful! I startedvery slowly in July 2011, at 227 lbs. Lost 15 lbs through December. Got serisous about it about the middle of January and am down to 177 now! My goal is to get to about 140, so you are a great inspiration! I was told recently at the gym I go to that I am this…
  • Raspberries are actually very high in fiber. You need plenty of both soluble and insoluble fiber, plus lots of water, more than the 8 cups/ day that they say. It is actually closer to10 or more depending on how much you exercise. Soda and coffee can actually contribute to constipation, so stay away from them. Stay away…
  • That is awesome! Good job on your success! My goal was to do my 5k today in 36 min, but I came in at 38:31. Which is 30 sec. less than the last one! So it is still a victory, but not what I wanted. I won't give up though! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Wow! Way to go! I ran a 5k as well today, didn't win a prize, but took 30 sec. off my time from the week before. Thank you for running for such a great cause. It means so much to me, as I am a bereaved parent. I lost my 17 yr. old son almost 3 years ago while were were vacationing at Disney. He suffered a massive brain…
  • I say go for it! My friend and I worked out to the videos, but didn't follow the program the way they say to. I am 38,and my friend is 34. We always felt like we were getting a good workout. At first we weren't able to complete full sets, or do some of the exercises without modifying them, but it didn't take long and we…
  • Change up your routine. Do the whole thing backwards and confuse your body. If you normally do cardio first, do your weights first. If you do elliptical....do it pedaling backwards. Or choose a different cardio routine all together. Good luck!
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