
Please help I seem to have a very lazy bowel and it can be about 10 days before I go to the loo. I drink lots of fluid to try and help does anyone have the same problem? What can I do to have more regular movements as it makes me very grumpy and irritable. I don't really want to take a laxative everyday,


  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Please help I seem to have a very lazy bowel and it can be about 10 days before I go to the loo. I drink lots of fluid to try and help does anyone have the same problem? What can I do to have more regular movements as it makes me very grumpy and irritable. I don't really want to take a laxative everyday,

    I looked at your diary to see your fiber intake, but it's not listed. You should get at least 20 grams/day..if not 30-35 at the upper limit. How many grams of fiber are you getting? Having a BM has a big range... anywhere from 3/ day to 2/week.

    Drink lots of water and get tons of fiber. For fiber, I rely on black beans, spinach, avocado, and prunes.
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    I drink coffee and lots of water everyday. Plus I eat yogurt (Activia is my favorite), and I take a probiotic every day. Oh, and I'm sure to get a lot of fiber from my diet. All that works for me, but you just have to try different things out and see what works for you.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    eat flax seed, chia seeds, and coconut oil it will make a world of difference.
  • missy787
    missy787 Posts: 35
    Maybe you should try a gental women's laxative. Eat more fiber, and try figuring out which foods cause the most issues. Hope you feel better soon.
  • micheleboone
    I had this problem too. I started taking Phillips' Probiotic Colon Health. I also added a fiber pill too. So far so good.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Are you getting enough fiber? Getting a healthy amount of fiber should be all that is needed to keep things running smoothly. If you are getting enough fiber and fluid, but are still experiencing frequent constipation, it wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor as it can indicate issues elsewhere.

    I don't want to panic you, usually constipation is handled through diet, but it's not worth being miserable so if diet doesn't help, see a doc!

    Beware of foods that can increase constipation - rice, bananas, cheese are just some off the top of my head. You can eat them, just be mindful of how much.

    On the flip side, try adding dried prunes as a snack once in a while (they are yummy actually). You can add them to cereal or yogurt or eat on their own.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I have a small glass of prune juice before dinner every day which seems to be helping :o)
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I think it is funny you posted under tech support.:laugh: :laugh:
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    Yep, lots of water (not sodas or other drinks) and fiber. Do you have any foods that give you the runs or help you with digestion? If you do, add them more to your diet. Do you take supplements that can cause it like iron or calcium? If you do, you might need to talk to your doc and ask if he has some ideas what to do or take them at different times a day. Good luck
  • Lisammy
    Lisammy Posts: 35
    It may seem really oldschool...but if you drink a glass of prune juice 1st thing in the morning (before your coffee or tea), it will usually work. And then once it works you can find a maintenance amount. I drink only 4 oz. each morning 1st thing and it always works. I too have a slow bowel that I inherited. Oh joy! Not something a lot of people are comfortable talking about, but it's real and if it affects you YOU KNOW how it feels. This is the only thing I've found that actually works over the years. I've tried psyllium husk, upping my fiber, increasing my water intake and daily exercise. The perfect combo. for me seems to be daily exercise & the prune juice 1st thing in the am. Prune juice has many vitamins & nutrients in it, and it's natural & not harmful on your system. My Grandma used to have it everyday...and now I know why...Best of luck to you :wink:
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Fibre, fibre, fibre! You seem to get an ok amount in the bread and some of the veggies you eat, it's great that you already drink lots of water, because a lot of water is needed to keep things moving. I suggest eating lots of leafy greens (spinach is great), continue eating whole wheat products, and perhaps get a soluble fibre supplement, and taking when you need a little movement. These come in various forms; I'm not sure where you live, but here in Switzerland, you can only get it from a pharmacist. In Canada, you can get it at any grocery store. In Canada I used one in a large green container, that included some metabolosm-boosting enzyme (probably bogus, but it was a reputable brand, even though I can't remember it now). The powder was flavourless and colourless, so you can add it into anything. Here in old-fashioned Switzerland though, Metamucil is the only one that is available, and it's a vile powder that turns water gelatinous. It works, but it's not so fun to take.

    Besides that a "detox" yoga class will get things moving! Most yoga studios offer this, and if it's available to you, I suggest it!

    A pro-biotic supplement (acidophilus) may work as well, you can get it from any health store, and once opened it must be kept in the fridge in order to keep the bacteria alive.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I think it is funny you posted under tech support.:laugh: :laugh:

    Well.... she does need help.... and she is technically in need of support.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Be sure to consume some oil every day. Oil is essential to keep the organs running smoothly and that includes the digestive organs. You only need two teaspoons a day. You can use it in cooking or a salad dressing.
  • digitaltara
    digitaltara Posts: 12 Member
    A pro-biotic supplement (acidophilus) may work as well, you can get it from any health store, and once opened it must be kept in the fridge in order to keep the bacteria alive.

    I second the pro-biotic suggestion. You can get a brand called "Pearl" at a lot of grocery stores (especially Whole Foods) or, if your local store doesn't have it, you can order it online. It doesn't have to be refrigerated, which is a huge plus.
  • mellanieblue
    Coffee will send you to the "loo".
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    A pro-biotic supplement (acidophilus) may work as well, you can get it from any health store, and once opened it must be kept in the fridge in order to keep the bacteria alive.

    I second the pro-biotic suggestion. You can get a brand called "Pearl" at a lot of grocery stores (especially Whole Foods) or, if your local store doesn't have it, you can order it online. It doesn't have to be refrigerated, which is a huge plus.

    The Centrum Probiotic is great as well. I little packet that you add to water/food once a day. I usually add to 8 oz water or applesauce. Try to take it in the morning to start off on the right foot. Also upping your fiber intake...try the Fiber One brand items.
  • dotido
    dotido Posts: 49
    I use green tea. To answer the question how much, I drink around 6 cups a day.
  • Jeaninedj
    Jeaninedj Posts: 43
    From looking at your diary, I would say more fiber. You're on the lower end. I would recommend less cheese and more fruit. Cheese can block you up. Your veggies are good but fruit is helpful. Adding an apple a day did wonders for me. Grapes are also good. :)
  • jessicah16
    jessicah16 Posts: 8 Member
    You should try V-8 Low Sodium drinks (5.5 oz cans) each day. You might also like the V-8 V-splash drinks. They both work for me.
  • hbehrle
    hbehrle Posts: 13
    Raspberries are actually very high in fiber. You need plenty of both soluble and insoluble fiber, plus lots of water, more than the 8 cups/ day that they say. It is actually closer to10 or more depending on how much you exercise. Soda and coffee can actually contribute to constipation, so stay away from them. Stay away from foods high in bad fats (deep fried, chips, etc), dairy, fatty meats like red meat and processessed meats, refined grains like white rice and white flour products, starchy foods like white potatoes, corn, and refined grains, fast foods, and refined sugars (sweets). Oh and of course get plenty of exercise. And I agree with seeing your doctor if these things don't work for you because constipation should be able to be taken care of with modifying your diet. If not, you do need to see your dr in case something else is going on. Good luck!