

  • After you've gotten the ok from your doctor, check out Yen Yoga (gentle yoga), walking, Tai Chi, perhaps a water exercise
  • I agree. You might want to increase the number of day(s) you do cardio as apposed to weights/ strength. Keep at it you'll push past this point. One other thing make sure you are including detox program so if candida is involved you can address it and rest rest rest : )
  • It's internal effect is to be extremely alkalizing, we are talking fresh that you squeeze.
  • u r having withdrawal- from the sugar and probably some detox as well increase a little each day with the goal being half of your body weight in ounces. Ex. 100lbs= 50 oz H2o. Lemon/ lime is the best thing you can add because it will cut the acidity in your body therefor helping you to detox.
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