Congrats, you look great. I cannot begin to imagine what it takes to lose 100 plus pounds.
WOW, makes me feel good and proud just to know you lost.
Hey, when I was in college it was attractive. I am now 70 and it is still attractive. I am also married and love my wife dearly, but an attractive gal still turns my head. I hope it always will. To me it's a compliment and as long a a guy does not cross that line it should be taken that way.
I would have to go with Color Purple. They also got overlooked in the Oscars.
In theory calories are calories. However without eating the good things and not getting the exercise you are defeating the purpose. I have found that the more you lose you will start to feel better and just naturally start to eat better. Good luck.
Every morning first thing. I like to see how much eating out and eating wrong affects my weight. It usually does and it reminds me to cut out all the bad choices I make. I still am going to make them, but at least I am cutting down on bad choices.